K NOWLEDGE T RANSFER KTP is one product within a larger portfolio of government initiatives to transfer knowledge from academia to industry, funded through the TSB and the Research Councils and seen as a key driver behind our knowledge-based innovation economy. The KTP scheme is highly successful and has been in place for nearly 40 years. DMU is recognised as a provider of national significance, having delivered over 100 KTPs in recent years. KTP’s provide a unique opportunity to apply research to real life business projects, business benefits include an increase in profits, generation of new jobs and an increase of skills for existing staff.
KTP C RITERIA Any business sector, including not-for-profit and public sector organisations Businesses of all sizes (although <10 employees usually considered too small) Project of strategic importance, length can vary from 1 – 3 Yrs Proof of Company financial viability Evidence of the need for and potential economic benefits of knowledge transfer
KTP P ROCESS Now fully online at _connect ( Expression of Interest form (EOI) Full Proposal completed and submitted to meet deadline Program Approval Group (PAG) meets to review proposals (2-3wks) PAG Feedback received and either approved or rejected Grant Offer letter sent and Recruitment Process begins
P ROJECT B UDGET The project budget for a standard two year KTP would be c£120,000 This will cover: Associate Salary and employment costs Academic time and input Equipment and Consumables Travel and subsistence Associate’s Personal Development and training The 67% = c£80,400 SME 33% = c£39,600 (so c£20,000 pa) Large Organisation: Grant Rate is 50%
B ENEFITS TO ORGANISATION Highly Skilled Graduate to spearhead new project New strategic capability embedded within the company Increase in profitability and competitiveness Access to academic “consultant” / supervisor (½ day per week) & DMU facilities Long-term, strategic relationship established with DMU Existing workforce enhanced through transfer of knowledge and skills
B ENEFITS TO U NIVERSITY Gives academics experience of applying their subject expertise to real life business problems Opportunities for students / employability skills Publication / Conference opportunities Increases research profile of the University (REF) KTP projects develop strong connections with industry partners and often open up new collaboration opportunities
B ENEFITS TO A SSOCIATE Project and personal management skills development. Exposure at senior / strategic level within host organisation Competitive salary - £20 - £22K with additional £4k Professional Development budget KTP Associates own their project but are fully supported by experienced staff from the business and the knowledge base
R ESOURCES KTP online Application guidance Case studies Local KTP Office Innovation Centre, DMU Tel