I have an idea!
Examples Non-Examples Draw this in your notes… Activating Strategy Guess Polar BearsSnow StudentDesk CowHamburger TreeRock ButterflySun BacteriaHair
My Hypothesis: All of the examples are ___________. All of the non-examples are ____________. Draw this in your notes…
Living or Non-living—how can we tell?! By the end of today, you should be able to… 1.List the four characteristics of all living things. 2.Identify these different characteristics in examples 3. Apply these characteristics to judge something as living or non-living.
PART 1: What are the five characteristics of all living things? Frayer Diagram
LIVING THINGS Five Characteristics of ALL Living Things Frayer Diagram: Graphic organizer (students draw in notes) 5.
1. ORGANIZATION How is D. Wade’s body organized to meet his needs? Think –Pair-Share
LIVING THINGS 1: ORGANIZATION How do we tell if something is living or non-living? EXAMPLE? 5.
2. GROWTH How do our bodies grow and develop? HINT: How many bones do babies have? Think –Pair-Share
LIVING THINGS 1: ORGANIZATION Growth 4. How do we tell if something is living or non-living? EXAMPLE? 5.
3. RESPONSE How do our bodies respond to our changing environment? DISCUSS—PLANTS vs. ANIMALS response to environmental changes Think –Pair-Share
LIVING THINGS 1: ORGANIZATION 3. RESPONSE 2. Growth 4. How do we tell if something is living or non-living? EXAMPLE? 5.
4. REPRODUCTION What does this word mean? Think –Pair-Share
4. REPRODUCTION Why is it important for living things to reproduce? DISCUSS—Where would species be without reproduction? Horse, Donkey, Mule Think –Pair-Share
LIVING THINGS 1: ORGANIZATION 3. RESPONSE 2. Growth 4. Reproduction How do we tell if something is living or non-living? EXAMPLE? 5.
LIVING THINGS 1: ORGANIZATION 3. RESPONSE 2. Growth 4. Reproduction How do we tell if something is living or non-living? EXAMPLE? 5. Energy
5. ENERGY In what ways can an organism get its energy? Why does it need energy?
Living Things Memory Trick ROGER THAT!!! Reproduction Organization Growth Energy Response
How many cells do you think you have in your body? About 10 TRILLION CELLS
How many cells do you think this organism has? Is this considered a living thing? Why or why not?
How are bacteria and buffalos similar? How are they different?
Prefixes: Uni vs. Multi UnicornMulticolor UnicycleMulticultural UniformMultimillionaire UnifyMultilingual UnilateralMultipurpose
Draw this in your notes: Multicellular Organisms Unicellular Organisms
Multicellular Organisms: made of many different cells Are very complex (have many parts – legs, roots, wings) Example: A dog
Unicellular Organisms: made of only one cell Very small – too small to see with just your eye Example: Bacteria
BOTH: ALIVE (living things) Reproduce Respond Grow Organized MADE OF AT LEAST ONE CELL!!!
Multicellular or Unicellular? Student Action: HOLD UP AN M OR A U
ROGER Living/ Nonliving Practice Chart
LIVINGNON-LIVING Draw this in your notes… Activating Strategy/Review
Cross-Examination: Partner Swap!!! 1.Swap Activating Strategy T-charts with a partner 2.Check their work! Did they list anything under “living” that might not be? Did they list anything under “non-living” that might be alive? 3.Circle all the ones that you think your partner might have gotten INCORRECT. Group Share after Partner Swap
LivingNon-Living Correct the Teacher 1. Turtles9. Tree 2. Wood10. Granite (type of rock) 3. Leaves11. Diamonds 4. Fried Egg12. Jeans 5. Bacteria13. Flamingo 6. Smoke14. Worm 7. Humans15. Virus 8. Ants16. Blue Bird
1. List all five characteristics of all living things. 2. What is the acronym we use to remember these characteristics? 3. Give one reason why humans are considered living 4. Give one reason why a rock is considered non-living 5. List one example of a living thing. (you can’t use humans…that doesn’t count….) 6. List one example of a non-living thing. (you can’t use rocks…that doesn’t count…) Warm Up #3: Wednesday, Oct. 5