Chapter 6: Tabs and Tables Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 61
Set and move tabs Delete tabs Create a dot leader Learn when to use different types of tabs Sort text Insert a table Shade in the cells of a table Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 62
Cell Columns Leaders Left tab Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 63 Right tab Rows Tab Table
Tabs are set every one-half inch across the screen. Tabs are displayed in ruler at the top of screen. Left tabs are indicated by a black capital L. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 64
Click the tab marker and drag it off the ruler to delete it. Click and drag the tab marker to move it. Double-click the tab marker to change the settings. Leaders can be added between tabs to guide the reader. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 65
Press Tab to move to the next tab setting. Leaders will display when you press Tab. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 66
Select list of text. Click the Sort button on the Home Ribbon. Two sorting choices: ascending (A-Z) and descending (Z-A). Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 67
Spell check. Add a header. Save the file. Print. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 68
A table is a grid containing many boxes called cells. Click the Table button on the Insert Ribbon. Click and drag to determine the size of the table. Columns are groups of vertical cells. Rows are groups of horizontal cells. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 69
Merging cells removes the cells walls. Select the row. Click the Table Tools-Layout tab. Click the Merge Cells button. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 610
Each cell can be formatted differently. Move from cell to cell by pressing Tab. Press Shift and Tab to move back a cell. The first letter of each word in a cell will automatically capitalize. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 611
Press Tab in the last cell of the table to insert another row. Extra rows can be deleted by clicking the Delete button on the Table Tools-Layout Ribbon. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 612
Click anywhere in the cell. Click the Shading button on the Table Tools- Design Ribbon. Click More Colors for more choices. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 613
Spell check. Add a header. Save the file. Print. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 614
Tabs are used to align text. Text can be aligned left, right, center, or by the decimal point using tabs. Tabs are set automatically every one-half inch across the page. Dot leaders can be added to tabs to help visually tie the information together on a line. Text can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Tables are an easy way to organize related information. Individual cells of a table can be formatted differently. The cells of a table or the entire table can be shaded in with color. Spotlight on Word ProcessingChapter 615