Study Guide Construction via Jigsaw Group Activity A method to facilitate student ownership of learning using a flipped classroom approach
Context of activity Course: BI103 – Intro to Cell Bio & Genetics – Freshman level, 20 students, mostly majors Overall course objectives: Students will be able to… – Explain how a cell functions at the molecular level – Explain how scientists study cells at the molecular level – Interpret and explain cell biology and genetics research results – Organize information from lectures and readings into a study guide – Create practice assessment questions related to course content Project Goal: Help freshman learn how to identify important concepts and organize course material
Castle Diagram (week 1 of unit)
Castle Diagram (week 2 of unit)
Study Guide Activity Flow Before class – Students individually submit list of at least 3 (no more than 5) topics/concepts in the chapter
In class day 1 Students work in groups to merge personal lists into a group list [10 min] – Write list on board As class, collectively merge group list into class list [10 min] – Assign one concept/topic to each group
In-class day 1 cont. Groups compile list of terms related to topic [15 min] – Write definitions in own words – Turn in online by end of class Groups choose format for organizing their topic [5 min] – Comparison chart to compare and contrast groups of ideas – Concept map to connect related ideas – Diagram or cartoon for dynamic processes – Flowchart for procedures and experiments – Timeline for a series of events over time
After class – day 1 Out-of-class, students work on refining mini- guide and submit draft online
In-class day 2 Students meet with group to finalize mini-guide [15 min] – Prepare to explain to others as “experts” Experts from different groups combine and explain their mini-guide [15 min] – Discuss and revise, expert brings discussion/revision back to original group – Revise mini-guide if necessary
In-class day 2 cont. Write 1 constructed and 1 objective question related to concept/topic [15 min] – Constructed Short answer Problem solving/data interpretation – Objective True/False – if answer is false explain why Multiple choice Groups present questions to class [15 min] Upload final group mini-guide and questions
Tasks Remaining To Do Finalize formative assessment for group dynamics – Use GEA or Megan Howard’s rubric? Predetermine 5 main topics for each chapter – Drawn from list of chapter objectives Develop formative assessment for study guide activity beyond in-class feedback?