CAS is a division of the American Chemical Society ACS is a not-for-profit society of more than 130 years the largest scientific society, with nearly 163,000 members a mission “to encourage the increase and diffusion of chemical knowledge” for the benefit of industry and education ACS Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) In 1876 NewYork 35members Washington D.C. (Headquarters) 163,000members 130years American Chemical Society In 1907 Chemical Abstracts Service(columbus) Monitoring,Abstracting&Indexing Division
CAS moved to its present location in 1965 New Data Center 2001 CAS occupies three buildings on a 52 acre site.
Our data center is the "nerve center" for online users worldwide and enables them to search CAS data
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Our mission is to create the world’s best digital environment to search, retrieve, analyze and link chemical information
SciFinder What is SciFinder? SciFinder, a research discovery tool that allow you to access the world’s largest collection of biochemical, chemical engineering, medical, and other related information. You can explore one single source for scientific information in journals and patent literature from around the world. Publisher : CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Area : Science Coverage : 1907 to Present Data type : Bibliographic & Abstracts ( ※ Patents)
연구자에게 SciFinder 가 왜 ? 필요한가 ??? The research results are significant 과학 분야에서 14 년 이상 연구한 과학자 SciFinder 1 년 이상 사용한 과학자 250 명 대상으로 표본조사 (2/3:North America, 1/3:Europe Scientist) SciFinder
Survey Results Improved Productivity 연구정보 수집에 시간절약 (96%) 주어진 시간안에 많은 정보 제공 (80%) 관련 연구정보의 빠른 접근 (90%) High Quality Information 최신정보 제공 (95%) SciFinder 가 연구분야의 최고 정보 제공 (90%) Improved Creative Process SciFinder 사용중 추가 연구정보 발견 (84%) 과거의 연구수행중 빠진 부분 발견 (90%) SF 사용전 발생한 문제에 대해 해결 (67%) 문제해결 능력과 창의적 연구 수행 ( 67%) Easy Access to Information 과학기술 정보에 가장 쉽게 정보 접근 (95%) 다른 On-Line DB 보다 용이한 정보이용 (67%) 연구원들에게 성공적인 연구업적 수행 (75%)
CAS RN Somatotropin Animal gene pac43 Oncogenes pac43 Neoplam inhibitors Liver neoplasm CAS RN analysis CAS Scientists CAS Editorial Scientists analyze more than 10,000 journals and patents from 60 patent offices to index new chemical information
Scientific research Original publications caffein e bioactive CAS RN CAS scientists Searchable entity CAS scientists build databases and make them accessible to fellow scientists and information professionals around the world Scientists & Information Professionals
CAS analysis reveals information in a patent from Korea ANALYSIS CAS RN Genetic engineering Antibiotic resistance Genetic vectors INDEXINGBIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA Preparation of E. coli variant stains with inhibited formation of biofilm by deleting markerless linear DNA fragment.
Our more than 1300 staff members include hundreds of scientists and IT professionals
Reference DB –CA Plus –MEDLINE Substance DB –CA Registry Reaction DB –CAS React Specialized DB –CHEMLIST –CHEMCATS Databases of SciFinder SciFinder
▶ Reference DB - CA PLUS A CAS literature database containing references to research published in journals of Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medical, patents of 60 patent office in the world and other sources Coverage : 1907 to Present Source Title : Over 10,000 Journals Contents : Over 32 Million records Update : Daily over 3,000 records ▶ Reference DB - Medline A literature database containing references to Medical research published in journals Coverage : 1949 to Present Source Title : Over 4,800 Journals Contents : Over 18 Million references Update : 5 times per week
SciFinder ▶ Substance DB – CAS Registry Substance Database containing CAS RN, Structures, Chemical Names, Properties, Sequences Coverage : 1957 to Present Contents : Over 113 Million substances Update : Daily over 12,000 substances ▶ Reaction DB – CAS React Database of Reactions Search Reactants, Reagents, Products, catalysts, any Role Coverage: 1840 to Present Contents : Over 22 Million Single- and multi-step reactions Update : Weekly with about 30,000 reactions
SciFinder ▶ Specialized DB – CHEMLIST Regulatory information from Government Regulatory or inventory lists around the world Coverage : 1979 to Present Contents : Over 275 thousand inventoried/regulated substances Update : Weekly with over 50 new substances or additions ▶ Specialized DB – CHEMCATS Quickly and easily obtain current information on commercially available chemicals and their worldwide suppliers Over 900 suppliers & over 1000 catalogs Contents : Over 39 Million products Update : Updated upon receipt of new catalog
SciFinder Over 10,000 journals monitored Patents (over 60 patent organizations) Technical disclosures Conference proceedings Technical reports Books Dissertations Reviews Meeting abstracts Web preprints Journal Electronic-only journals etc Sources of SciFinder
SciFinder has wide application across sciences SciFinder offer many scientific disciplines
SciFinder web interface
Technical aspects of SciFinder Web SciFinder URL : Windows-based browsers Internet Explorer 6.x and 7.x as well as FireFox 2.x Mac browser support for Firefox and Safari Java applet (J2SE Runtime Environment 6.0, which installs Java 1.6 version) installed on users’ computers for CASDraw to operate No software or site.prf required Network requirement: https (SSL) connection via port 443 to http connection on port 80 to Client based SciFinder will continue to be fully supported by CAS
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New features in SciFinder Web Direct links to data Index term linking Navigate to stages of search Save answer sets in server Export answer set as.pdf Keep Me Posted Session history retention Create new answer sets using selective keep/remove Analyze answers sets automatically Analyze substances by substance role, elements, reaction availability or commercial availability
SciFinder web interface
Clear search interface at one page -Choose for references, substances and reactio ns search from the top -Choose for the search way from the left -Entry the search querie s in the middle
Informative references answer page -Abstract information for quick reference, with the keyword highlighted -Get related information for particular or all references -Analyses are performed automatically for getting more ideas of answer set
A CAplus record (1) Permalink: Sharing the links for records
A CAplus record (2) CAS scientists index for nov el concepts and substances Concepts heading with sub- heading for detailed informatio n Index terms are linked for fa ster exploring CAS registry number is inde xed for substance with specific role
Analyze the results by different ways
Keep selected records and analysis display - Keep/Remove selected records -Output options -Save (on CAS server, up to 20,000 answers per answer set) -Print answers -Export in different kinds of format (.akx,.pdf,.rtf,.txt)
Categorize helps to refine to specific index terms
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Combine answer sets for references, substances and reactions
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Download up to 10 previous history sessions
Structure search
Structure search java plug-in
Structure search result Automatic analysis: - Substance roles, elements, reaction availabi lity and commercial availability
Refine structure results by atom attachment
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Get interest references for substance
Get reaction information with detailed condition
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Summary of SciFinder Web Provide quick access and user friendly interface to search for scientific information New features that are tailor made for the needs of researchers Enhanced content for properties, spectra, registration, reaction information and etc Personalization features (keep me posted and save as)
CAS SciFinder License Agreement ▶ I will not share my unique Login ID or password with any other person *MACid (Media Access Control identifier): Physical address for the computer ▶ I will store no more than 5,000 records at any time ▶ I will not conduct research for, on behalf of, or deliver search results to, any other organization ▶ CAS Information Use Policies (