Contributions of Bill Gates to Computer Science Presented By: Franshetta Hibbler Presented to: Dr. Udai On: January 31, 2010
Bill Gates
William Henry Gates, III, is an entrepreneur that was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. Gates began to show an interest in computer programming at the age of 13 at the Lakeside School. He pursued his passion through college. Striking out on his own with his friend and business partner Paul Allen, Gates found himself at the right place at the right time. William Henry Gates, III
William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. On of his major contributions to computer science was Inspiring the home computer (pc) Microsoft Windows CONTRIBUTIONS TO COMPUTER SCIENCE
MICROSOFT OPERATING SYSTEM MS-DOS Microsoft was originally a company that wrote applications and languages. They had not written any operating systems when IBM approached them for help on the IBM personal computer. Seeing an opportunity, Bill Gates purchased the operating system known as CPM DOS from a small software company in Seattle, Washington. He then leased the operating system to IBM as Microsoft Disc Operating System (MS- DOS). Initially this seemed like a good deal, but Bill soon realized that the lease agreement gave IBM unrestricted use of DOS. When COMPAQ approached Microsoft about licensing MS-DOS, Microsoft leased it to them on a per PC basis, which was more profitable for Microsoft.
Through technological innovation, keen business strategy, and aggressive competitive tactics Bill Gates built the world's largest software business, Microsoft. In the process he became one of the richest men in the world. In 1986, Bill Gates took Microsoft public with an initial public offering (IPO) of $21 per share. Gates held 45 percent of the company's 24.7 million shares and became an instant millionaire at age 31. Gates' stake at that time was $234 million of Microsoft's $520 million. Over time, the company's stock increased in value and split numerous times. CONTRIBUTIONS TO COMPUTER SCIENCE CONT.
In 1987, Bill Gates became a billionaire when the stock raised to $90.75 a share. Since then, Gates has been on the top or near the top of Forbes' 400 list of the world's wealthiest people. In 1999, with stock prices at an all-time high and the stock splitting eight-fold since its IPO, Gates' wealth briefly topped $101 billion. MICROSOFT