Page 2 To develop students’ academic listening and speaking skills so that they can follow their department courses better. This course will NOT teach you English, instead it will give you opportunities to practice the language and accomplish assigned tasks. The Course Aims at the following:
Page 3 The Course Book You can get your books from the bookstore (-1 Floor) EAP in Economics and Administrative Sciences I
Page 4 MODULES LISTENING AND NOTE-TAKING SPEAKING FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Will help you to become better listeners and speakers of English ENG 101 (FIRST SEMESTER)
Page 5 Target Task Giving a presentation on global warming Task 1 Reading Skill A Finding main ideas Skill B Identifying author’s purpose Skill C Scanning Task 2 Listening Skill B Identifying author’s purpose Skill D Underlining keywords Skill A Listening to main ideas TARGET OUTPUT Giving the presentation TASK ASSESSMENT language use FEEDBACK ON vocabulary use task Achievement organization… The Flow of a Unit (A sample)
Page 6 The Listening Module There are 4 Units in the Listening Module These units will develop your listening skills by showing you abbreviations, different ways of note-taking, getting the main idea of a lecture and many others. You will need all of these skills in your department courses as well as your future career.
Page 7 There are 3 sections to the listening assessment. Take notes and then answer questions from your notes. Answer questions while listening. Listen for main theme and main ideas. Listening Assessment
Page 8 There are 4 Units in the Speaking Module These units will develop your speaking skills, by showing ways of doing research, organizing a talk and giving a presentation in front of an audience. 23% of your overall grade will be based on your performance in your final presentation. The Speaking Module
Page 9 Content Sequencing Questions Fluency Vocabulary Delivery Your presentation will be evaluated on the following basis:
Page 10 An academic word is a word that appears most frequently in a wide range of academic texts. You will be asked to learn these words, their synonyms and definitions. Your written exams will have a vocabulary component You will find the definition of these words in the mini dictionary that is included at the end of your course book. Academic Words
Page 11 In the reading passages of your book, you will see words in bold. These are the academic words which you need to learn. TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORKPLACE 1 The technological advances achieved in the past few decades have brought about a revolution in the business world. Today, employees no longer need to physically be with their clients and co-workers. However, as the physical office loses importance and employees are encouraged to telecommute from their location of choice, these physically isolated workers will inevitably suffer a loss of face-to-face interpersonal skills and a deterioration of relationships in the workplace. Academic Word List (Mini Dictionary)
Page 12 At the end of most units you will be asked to complete a writing task that includes the information you have gathered from the listening and reading tasks. The purpose of the writing task is to determine how well you were able to understand and use the information presented in the unit. Writing Output Task
Page 13 Attendance is obligatory If you miss more than 25% of total class hours, you will not be allowed to take the final exam. Attendance
Page 14 Midterm 1 (10 November, 2012)30% Presentation (17-21 December, 2012)23% Final Exam (07-14 January, 2013)27% CPG (WEEKS 2,3,4,6,9,10,12,14)20% Assessment
Page 15 20% of your course grade Based on tasks done during class and assignments given as homework Your willingness to participate in class work will help you to learn the skills better Your willingness in participating in class work will help you get a higher CPG What is CPG? Class Participation Grade
Page 16 A grade that encourages your participation in class activities NOT a randomly given grade based on teachers intuitions or likes and dislikes CPG is…
Page 17 If Score isLetter Grade Greater than 90AA From 85 to 90BA From 80 to 84BB From 75 to 79CB From 70 to 74CC From 65 to 69DC From 60 to 64DD From 50 to 59FD Less than 50FF Course Grades
Page 18 Mid Term Exam Speaking Exam Final Exam CPG Course Grade (BA) (BB) (CC) (DC) YOUR CPG COULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE OF FOUR LETTER GRADES CPG’s Effect on Course Grade
Page 19 Students are expected to come to classes ON TIME. Your teacher has the right to mark you absent if you are late. Punctuality
Page 20 All students are expected to come to class fully prepared to take part in the lesson. This means you should have your course book and a pen/pencil. Do not forget that your teacher has the right not to give you CPG points if you are not prepared to participate. Materials
Page 21 We wish you all an enjoyable and successful academic year. Freshman English Programme Welcome to ENG 101