Unit 1 The world of our senses
Look at the following sentences and tell us the two meanings of the underlined word. Try to describe two parts of speech.
1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 2.‘Here we are, King Street.’ he stopped. n. a place at which someone/something stops v. to put an end to what one is doing
3. He met me in Park Street and walked me the rest of the way home. 4. That was nice of him. Why didn’t you invite him to come in and rest? n. the remaining part v. relax
Many words in English can have more than one part of speech. In some cases, different parts of speech (usually a noun and a verb) have the same spelling but different meanings.
Read the story Fog and find more words that can be used both as a noun and a verb. Tell us the meanings of these words when used as different parts of speech.
For example: Polly leaves work early. Work here is a noun, which means ‘something that one is doing, especially as a job’. Work can also be used as a verb. e.g. Polly works very hard.
Find the words listed below in the story and complete the table. Then make different sentences with the words.
Wordonce line 7line 42 Part of speech Meaning conjunctionadverb as soon as sometime in the past
Word left line 2line 43 Part of speech Meaning verb went away from a place /a person adverb on the west side of your body when you are facing north
Word still line 5line 28 Part of speech Meaning adverbadjective not moving continuing
Use the words in Part B and the correct part of speech to complete the report. The air sometimes smells very bad. Do you know what (1) _________ this? One (2)_______ is traffic. Does anyone have an (3) _________ to the problem of global warming? so far, causes cause answer
even scientists can’t (4) ________ this question. In some countries, the price of food (5) _________ every year. Poor people often have to go hungry because they cannot afford the (6) ___________. answer increases increase
Complete the sentences with the correct part of speech. sense 1. Doctors often ____ uneasiness in people. 2. Your _____ are the physical abilities of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. 3. I looked at the printed page but the words made no _____. sense (v.) (n.) senses (n.) sense
desert 1. All his friends have ________ him. 2. On his return from his office, he found the house ________. 3. They were lost in the ______. deserted desert (v.) (n.)
time 1. It’ll take you a long ____ to learn English well. 2. I have seen the movie three _____. 3. He _____ her as she swam a mile. time times timed (n.) (v.)
present 1. The _______ situation in Middle East is very dangerous. 2. The chairman himself _________ the first winner the prize. 3. The child received a lot of _________ in the Spring Festival. (adj.) (v.) (n.) present presented presents
deal 1. They learned to ____ with unexpected situation. 2. The workers are hoping for a better pay _____. 3. A great ____ of work needs doing. (n.) (v.) deal
What words do you use to describe different kinds of weather? Read the conversation in Part A on Page 7.
Adjectives: cloudy, sunny, cold, cool, warm, hot, dry, wet, rainy, snowy Nouns: rain, snow, wind, storm, shower
sunny cloudy overcast fog/mist storm lightning snow drizzly
Look at the weather report for today. Then complete the weather forecast for tomorrow using the symbols and the pictures at page 7 to help you.
Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. It will be warm and _____ in the morning, with a fair chance of ______ weather developing before noon. It will become cooler in the afternoon. The sky will be cloudy with heavy _____. sunny cloudy rain
In the evening, the temperature will drop a lot and it will become a bit cold. There will be _________________, with a _______ likely after midnight! thunder/ lightning storm
1.What kinds of weather do you prefer? And why? 2. Forecast the weather of tomorrow. You can discuss with your partner.
Try to find more words with different parts of speech. Do exercises on P91. Talk about different kinds of weather in different seasons and places.