APECL For Partners 14 th March 2013
What is APECL? APECL stands for the Accreditation of Prior Experiential and Certificated Learning (APECL). APECL gives ‘credit’ for prior learning. This credit can then be claimed against modules on a programme to allow students to avoid repeating learning. Centre for Professional Practice – CPP central APECL unit.
APCL & APEL Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning (APCL) – this is giving credit for learning that has already been achieved and recognised. Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) – this is giving credit for prior learning that has not been formally recognised.
How APECL Works in Practice Mapping – matching prior learning to learning outcomes of a new programme of study. Evidence – demonstrating prior learning and how achieved i.e. certificate/portfolio. Learning – APECL can ensure students do not have to repeat learning.
Key Things to Remember 1.Relevance – Prior learning must be relevant to the programme, and modules that an applicant wishes to use it towards, this relevance must be demonstrated through a mapping. 2.Level – Prior learning must be at the same or higher level as the modules being claimed against. 3.Volume – Prior learning must be worth an equivalent amount of credit to the module(s) being claimed against.
Key Things to Remember 4.Currency – Prior learning needs to be up-to-date, normally no more than 5 years old. 5.Limits - There are limits on the amount of APECL that can be claimed towards a University programme. Normally 50% for a Masters level programme, i.e. no more than 90 credits of the programme can be made up by APECL. Limits can be found in Annex 3 of the Credit Framework:
Assessing a Claim Partners should work with applicants on assessing grounds for a claim. Partners need to submit claims to the University on behalf of applicants. Partners need to be supportive of claims.
APCL APPROVAL The APCL Decision Form can be found at: assurance/codes/taught/pdf/AnnexRTemplate2.pdf Notes are provided to help with completion of the form.
Partners – should complete the APCL decision form and to the University’s Central APECL department, the Centre for Professional Practice (CPP) via Once CPP have confirmed the approval of the decision to award APCL, Partners should inform the person responsible for updating their student’s, Kent student record. APCL Approval
Applicant expresses interest in claiming APCL when making application. The partner requests any supporting information and evidence from the applicant and makes their academic decision based on the information available to them. APCL Decision form with partner recommendation is completed and submitted to University’s Central APECL department to confirm. Applicant is informed of the decision in writing by the partner, and partner informs those with responsibility for the Kent student record.
APEL Approval Approval of APEL – This is normally carried out by assessing a portfolio of reflective statements, supported by evidence, of how prior experience – meets the learning outcomes of module(s) at Kent. APEL Portfolio – An APEL portfolio which meets learning outcomes can then be given an academic credit value. (i.e. 30 credits at Level C) which is used as credit towards the modules for which credit is being claimed. Example Portfolio – An example of a portfolio has been provided.
APEL Approval Recommend a minimum of 6 weeks for an applicant to complete an APEL Portfolio and have their claim for APEL approved. Initial Consultation - we recommend a suitable member of staff (either Programme Leader or Admission’s Officer with subject knowledge) initially consults with a potential APEL applicant – to assess if they have the required prior experiential learning to make a claim.
APEL APPROVAL Portfolio Supervisor Guides applicant in developing portfolio, assesses portfolio ensuring complete/suitable. Should have subject knowledge. Portfolio Development The supervisor and applicant develop portfolio. Further information, Student Guidance Section Submission for Approval When complete, supervisor submits to APECL Sub- group for approval. Must complete the APEL Portfolio Supervisor Form – recommending to the APECL Sub-group whether credit should be awarded for the portfolio.
What Should a Portfolio Include? Details of the Claim Mapping CV/References Reflective Statements Evidence
APEL APPROVAL The APEL Portfolio Supervisor Form can be found at: assurance/codes/taught/pdf/AnnexRTemplate3.pdf Again notes are provided within the form to help with its completion.
Submission of Portfolios Portfolios are submitted to APECL Sub-group by the Portfolio Supervisor on behalf of the applicant – along with Portfolio Supervisor form. APECL Sub-group then verifies the APEL Supervisor’s recommendation as we are awarding Kent credit. Once the APECL Sub-group verifies the claim the partner is informed. Partners again need to ensure those responsible for the Kent student record are informed.
Links Code of Practice Annex R: -assurance/codes/taught/pdf/AnnexR.pdf Guidance
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