U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program July 23, 2003 eAuthentication Initiative Agency Responsibilities and Funding Discussion eGovernment.


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Presentation transcript:

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program July 23, 2003 eAuthentication Initiative Agency Responsibilities and Funding Discussion eGovernment Program

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 2 Agenda  Agency Integration Responsibilities  eAuthentication Funding Discussion  eAuthentication Schedule  Questions and Answers

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 3 Certify Registration Process Agency GPEA and eAuthentication Responsibilities AugustOctoberSeptemberJuly Application/eA uth Design Meetings Build Coordination Meetings Test/Certification Meetings ID ’03 Funding ID ’04 Funding ID GPEA- Compliant Interactions Select Electronic Submission Web Tool(s) Complete Authentication Impact Profile Assessment Confirm GPEA Implementation Team Design Application System Process OMB Approvals Build Application System Publish Communications Test Application Request eRecords Disposition Authority Train Personnel Integrated Reporting Meetings Design eAuth Registration Design eAuth Identity & Access Administration Design Technical eAuth Components Build Technical eAuth Components Implement eAuth Registration Implement eAuth Identity & Access Administration Train LRAs Train Admins Certify LRA process Application Goes Production (10/21) Production Readiness

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 4 Agency Integration Responsibilities July Procedures :  Identify GPEA Interactions to be compliant by October  Identify GPEA Interactions to be compliant after October  Identify GPEA implementation team and communicate names to OCIO  Identify Application Development team and communicate names to OCIO  Complete Impact Profile Assessments for GPEA interactions requiring eAuthentication by October  Resolve discrepancies between information entered into the tool and into the Agency data spreadsheets  Create electronic forms  Conduct Section 508 testing  Create online form instructions  Inform eGov program of available funds for ‘03  Forward AD-672, Transfer of Funds Agreement (’03 Funds) Resources Needed:  Agency GPEA Point of Contact  Agency Decision Makers  GPEA Implementation Team  Agency PRA Coordinator ID ’03 Funding ID GPEA- Compliant Interactions Select Electronic Submission Web Tool(s) Complete Authentication Impact Profile Assessment Confirm GPEA Implementation Team Integrated Reporting Meetings

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 5 Agency Integration Responsibilities Procedures:  Design Agency Application (Application)  Schedule initial Application/eAuthentication Design meeting  Complete Application Integration Form for each GPEA application and included interaction (includes technical and user information)  Design authentication and access control (including identity management procedures)  Assessment of Hosting environment needs  Assessment of Access Control needs  Assessment of Identity Management needs (for role-based access control)  Assessment of Authorization needs  Design user registration, if beyond default Service Center in-person registration  Map eAuthentication user ID to Agency tables  Inform eGov program of available funds for ‘04  Forward AD-672, Transfer of Funds Agreement (’04 Funds)  Complete and transmit to OCIO Change Worksheets for all affected information collections Resources Needed:  GPEA Implementation Team  eAuthentication Decision Maker  Agency PRA Coordinator Application/eA uth Design Meetings Build Coordination Meetings August Design Application System Process OMB Approvals Design eAuth Registration Design eAuth Identity & Access Administration Design Technical eAuth Components

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 6 Agency Integration Responsibilities Procedures:  Build Agency Application Application  Schedule application/eAuthentication meeting  Install authentication agent  Build access control and authorization components, including identity management procedures  Establish user registration procedures, if beyond default Service Center in-person registration  Build User Guidance/Materials  Build Training Materials  Build Marketing Materials Resources Needed:  Application development team  GPEA implementation team September Test/Certification Meetings Build Application System Request eRecords Disposition Authority Build Technical eAuth Components Implement eAuth Registration Implement eAuth Identity & Access Administration

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 7 Agency Integration Responsibilities Procedures:  Test Application application  Test Application/eAuthentication integration  Certify User Registration process  Publish Communications Materials  Train appropriate personnel Resources Needed:  GPEA Implementation team Certify Registration Process October Publish Communications Test Application Train Personnel Train LRAs Train Admins Certify LRA process Production Readiness

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 8 Agenda  Agency Integration Responsibilities  eAuthentication Funding Discussion  eAuthentication Schedule  Questions and Answers

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 9 There are three funding components for the eAuthentication Costs that Agencies need to prepare for in the near future…  FY 2003 fixed and variable eAuthentication costs WebCAAF expansion, technical services, credentials, etc  FY 2004 fixed and variable eAuthentication costs GSA Gateway integration, USDA eAuthentication maintenance, help desk  FY 2003 and 2004 Agency Integration costs Agency applications creation, connection to the USDA eAuthentication solution (application interface), customer data mapping, administration and registration process eAuthentication Costs

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 10 The fixed and variable costs for the eAuthentication initiative are broken out as follows… The Agency Integration costs will vary by agency depending on the number and type of interactions and development currently underway or already completed… eAuthentication Costs FY 2003 Fixed eAuthentication Costs $1,490,000 FY 2004 Fixed eAuthentication Costs $4,460,000 Variable eAuthentication Integration Costs $59,000 per application FY 2003 and 2004 Agency Integration Costs Varies NOTE: All costs are estimates until requirements gathering process is completed by all agencies

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 11 Fixed Costs:  Operations  Hardware  Software  Security  PMO Variable Costs:  Integration and Technical Services  Helpdesk eAuthentication Funding Variables Known Variable Cost Factors:  Number of interactions planned to integrate with eAuthentication for GPEA Unknown Variable Cost Factors:  Realistic integration timeframes  Complexity of each interaction (authentication level, access control, authorization)  Number of applications hosting interactions  Number of users per application NOTE: All costs are estimates until requirements gathering process is completed by all agencies

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 12 Agencies will all contribute to the total fixed costs of eAuthentication based on their anticipated % of use of eAuthentication and contribute towards the eAuthentication integration costs at the time of integration (total fixed cost * % of total eAuth interactions) + (per-application cost * # of applications) eAuthentication ’03 Funding Model NOTE: All costs are estimates until requirements gathering process is completed by all agencies + $59,000/application

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 13 For example, if NASS has filled out their integrated reporting data and so far has reported one application for FY ’03, the current cost estimate is: (total fixed cost * % of total eAuth interactions) + (per-application cost * # of applications) ($457,475 (’03) + $1,369,354 (’04)) + ($59,000 * 1 application) = $1,885,829 If NASS continues to plan for ’04 and ’05 and decides to integrate another 2 applications, their total cost would increase as follows: (total fixed cost * % of total eAuth interactions) + (per-application cost * # of applications) ($457,475 (’03) + $1,369,354 (’04)) + ($59,000 * 3 applications) = $2,003,829 eAuthentication ’03 Funding Example 1 1 For example purposes only – subject to change NOTE: All costs are estimates until requirements gathering process is completed by all agencies

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 14  Agency Integration Responsibilities  eAuthentication Funding Discussion  eAuthentication Schedule  Questions and Answers Agenda

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 15 eAuthentication Schedule  Continue eAuthentication communications in the form of postcards, presentations and integration documentation  Distribute the Agency Guidebook by July 25, 2003 Road map and details for integrating Agency Applications  Begin Implementation tasks on July 28, 2003 (pending funding) WebCAAF Expansion, Directory Services, Identity Management, User Registration  Initiate GSA Gateway Integration Proof-of-Concept in August 2003 (pending funding)  Provide Integration Planning assistance beginning August 2003 (pending funding)  Begin integration of applications in September 2003 (pending funding)  GPEA Deadline is October 21, 2003

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 16  Agency Integration Responsibilities  eAuthentication Funding Discussion  eAuthentication Schedule  Questions and Answers Agenda

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 17 Questions and Answers

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 18 For More Information For more information on the eAuthentication Initiative, please review the eAuthentication Frequently Asked Questions on the eGovernment site: Please contact the eGovernment team for username and password.