Mrs. Morse Room 1114
Why are you here?? Because math is HARD for you!! And you will learn better in a smaller class Everybody is on an IEP in this class, working on math goals Why am I here? To guide you through your math journeys To have fun with you and take away some of the mysteries surrounding math 3
You MUST always have the following in this classroom: 1.Pencils 2.Math Notebook 3.Binder with dividers 4.Calculator 5.Silent reading book 6.A sense of humor 4
You will get homework each night: It will all be clear what you have for warm-up, classwork, and homework by looking at your Assignment Record Sheet (ARS) Most work will be done in class, but you may need to finish it at home You will be expected to check your work using a red pen during class 5
Get into groups of 4 or 5 Every team gets a jigsaw puzzle, that they have to cooperatively put together First team done, gets a prize!! 6
We are working out of two different math curriculums this year: Connected Math- the general education book all your peers are using, it’s really hard, but we can do this together! 7
Students will keep themselves organized Students will come to class with all required materials and prepared with their homework done Students will raise their hand to ask for help Students will behave in a way that does not disturb others, and that is respectful of others Students will follow directions adults give them All work is to be done in pencil in math class Check with a teacher to be sure you are “allowed” to use a calculator 8
Students are expected to be honest, trustworthy, and do their best at all times At the bell students are expected to be: In desk with pencil sharpened with necessary materials on desk Sitting quietly ready to take attendance No hats or hoodies on in the classroom No cell phones or other electronics, except for e-readers or approved electronic planners, if it falls out of your pocket or rings, you can get it from the Assistant Principal 9
Fridays are planner checks. If your planner is completed for every day of the week you can pick out a prize from the treasure chest Often, if you finish the week’s homework early, you can have free time to read or work on homework from another class on Fridays, sometimes you can earn fun computer play time! Morse Money: You get paid for doing your homework You get paid for good behavior You get paid for doing a special classroom job You get paid for participation in class You get paid for being kind and/or helpful to others You can spend Morse Money at the Morse Market every other Friday!! 10
Share with your family the “resource math syllabus” and have a parent sign the last page and write your name on the correct line. This assignment is due Friday. 11