Forensic Science Academy Parent Presentation
Agenda Magnet Contract and Requirements Academic/Behavior infractions Counselors Edmodo Field trips Volunteer Procedures Please note that Academy contract requirements and all information discussed tonight are valid for a students’ three years here at Arvida Middle School. IF any requirements or information changes, we will let you know.
Magnet Contract and Requirements When your child was accepted to the Forensic Science Academy both you and your child signed a contract that requires your child to maintain high academic, effort, and conduct grades. The contract Magnet ContractMagnet Contract Your child must maintain the same standards and requirements all 3 years here at Arvida Middle School.
Academic, Effort, or Behavioral Infractions If your child receives an academic, effort, and/or conduct grade in a report card below magnet academy standards they will be placed on a probationary period of one nine week grading period. PROBATIONARY PERIOD They will lose academy field trip privileges for that nine week period. They will be placed on a weekly progress report that will monitor their progress. They will have UNTIL the following nine week report card to show improvement and once again achieve academy requirements. If student fails to show improvement within two consecutive nine week periods, they may be withdrawn from the program to their home school.
Counselors Counselors are available to help students that are having a difficult time in and out of class. Students can ask one of their teachers that they wish to speak to a counselor. Parents, if you would like a teacher conference, call the school and request to speak with your child’s counselor to schedule a meeting. They will set up meeting with your child’s teacher. Mr. Jimenez- 6 th grade counselor; 7 th grade last names A-L Mrs. Spaner- 8 th grade counselor; 7 th grade last names M-Z
Edmodo- Parent and Student Communication you will create an account with a username and password of your choice. You must join a class by typing in the code for the appropriate grade level. You have received a half sheet of paper reflecting the codes. Edmodo is a site that allows teachers to communicate with students and parents for home-learning and classroom announcements. We would like you to register and set up an account for Forensic Science Academy. We will be sending notifications of school events and field trips related to JUST Forensic Science students and families. It is a secure site approved by MDCPS. You can also download the app on your cell phones and receives notifications there as well.
Field Trips and Parent Events We will be having two field trips per year: 6 th grade- Miami Children’s Hospital & Hollywood Studios- dates TBA 7 th grade- Deering Estates Ghost Tour & Seaworld Overnight Quest -dates TBA 8 th grade- State Attorney’s Office & Washington DC 4 day Adventure - dates TBA IF A STUDENT WAS PLACED ON PROBATION DUE TO AN ACADEMIC, EFFORT, AND/OR CONDUCT INFRACTION THEY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE ON A FIELD TRIP UNTIL THEY PROBATIONARY PERIOD IS DONE AND THE FOLLOWING NINE WEEK REPORT CARD SHOWS THEY HAVE ACHIEVED MAGNET REQUIREMENTS.
Field Trips and Parent Events Cont’ Once a field trip spot has been paid for, there are NO REFUNDS if a student is placed on probation due to academic, effort, and/or conduct infraction or any disciplinary action given by school administration such as, suspensions in and out of school. There is no GUARANTEE that every parent can attend a field trip. Parent volunteers are selected after all students have signed up and paid. A list of parent volunteers is created and then the principal, Mrs. Aragon randomly selects. If a student attends a field trip, they must return back to school from the field trip. They leave with us, they come back with us. No students will be allowed to be signed out during a field trip. This is a safety issue. Students will be required to wear appropriate clothing, following MDCPS dress code on field trips as well. We will be selling academy t-shirts that will be worn on field trip dates.
Volunteer Procedures If you would like to apply to volunteer at the school or to chaperone a field trip you must apply through the parent/community portal. Even if you were a volunteer last year, you must reapply each school year. Volunteer Procedures: Volunteeer Fact Sheet Volunteeer Fact Sheet Once you have selected Arvida Middle on the Be a Volunteer tab, you will need to bring a copy of your driver’s license to Mrs. Craddock in the main office. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the volunteer procedures, you may call the school and speak to Mrs. Craddock.
Questions….Acknowledgement Form Please note that academy contract requirements and all information discussed tonight are valid for a students’ three years here at Arvida Middle School. Please sign acknowledgment form and return it on the way out. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING OUT TONIGHT!