EU level Priority for smaller, not too complex projects Territorial Cohesion for Innovation! Exploitation of the other Cross Border Programmes as well Better promotion of EUREKA and SME research! Participation at EEN network: which organisation can take the lead in UA? UA, Belarus and Albania are the only white spots on the EEN map! A striking new element for policy measures are the links between actors!(Networks, Cluster, Exchange) Promotion of RoK and actively bring in a UA cluster! Summary of Recommendations
Member States Further analysis of COIN (Austria) and the WTZ (Germany) programmes; Are there already cases of good practice? Speak about them! Try to disseminate the good experiences with bilateral innovation programmes with Austria and Germany to other countries (Poland, Romania). How: peer workshops with representatives from UA, DE, AU and the targeted countries Summary of Recommendations
UA Invest in EU cooperation and earmark parts of the budget for this! (Innov. Infrastructure and Innovation Programme of Kiev Science Park). Promote the UA-EU cooperation opportunities to UA applicants! Better promotion of the opportunities to participate in the programmes towards the EU partners (they simply do not know; use the platform of Bilat UKR: Summary of Recommendations