A gallery of manuscripts of the Bible Chester Beatty 1 papyrus part of the gospel of Luke Public domain Route A Language Age 9-11
A gallery of manuscripts of the Bible Manuscripts and codex The old copies of the Bible were written by hand and called ‘manuscripts’. The Latin for hand is manu. They can be scrolls or books.The old name for a book was ‘Codex’. Psalms scroll, part of the Dead Sea Scrolls unwound. Public domain Route A Language Age 9-11
A gallery of manuscripts of the Bible A detective job Before people could translate the Bible into English and other languages, they had to find the old copies of the Bible in Hebrew and Greek. Part of an old Greek manuscript Section of Papyrus 46, containing 2 Corinthians 11:33-12:9 Public domain Route A Language Age 9-11
A gallery of manuscripts of the Bible Looking everywhere Some manuscripts have been dug up by archaeologists, others have been found in old libraries and churches. Second century Hebrew Ten Commandments Public domain Route A Language Age 9-11
A gallery of manuscripts of the Bible People were lighting a fire with the pages of this manuscript. It is worth millions of pounds! Part of a 4 th century Greek manuscript of the Bible called Codex Siniaticus Public Domain Route A Language Age 9-11
A gallery of manuscripts of the Bible Handle with care Some manuscripts are badly damaged, others are easier to read. Part of Matthew’s Gospel in Greek 3 rd or 4 th century Part of Luke’s gospel, The ‘Codex Alexandrinus’ Route A Language Age 9-11
A gallery of manuscripts of the Bible Piecing it all together There are thousands of manuscripts or parts of manuscripts of the Bible They are checked against each other to make sure they have been copied correctly Route A Language Age 9-11