CAN I TRUST MY BIBLE PART 2 I.INTRODUCTION A.Good evening folks! 1. “Part 2” of “Can I Trust My Bible?”
2. First teaching to establish the problem: a) Many trying to discredit the Bible as God’s word. b) Shocked to see how many changes to our modern translations. (1) MANY people were going to buy new bibles.
(2) My desire to give you the information! (a) I have an opinion I will share with you. (b) I have just about every translation. (i) They can be of value. (ii) There is one that is more accurate.
B.Ended first teaching with Mark Chapter 16 : 1. Mark 16:1-9 a) NIV note – “The most reliable manuscripts do not have Mark 16:9- 20.” (1) Share with you what “manuscripts”!
II.First - What is a codex? A.Terms I would define for you? 1. Codex = manuscript book of Scripture… a) “codex” = a manuscript b) A hand written manuscript of a book.
III.TWO SCHOOLS of manuscripts A.First - we DO NOT HAVE “original manuscripts”! 1. All are “copies” of originals. 2. Alexandrian and the Received Text years!
a) “Received Text” = “Majority Text! (1) Also known as the “Byzantine Text”. (2) 5,556 ancient manuscripts. (a) 10% from the Alexandrian text. (3) King James from the Majority” text!
(a) Translators had the Alexandrian Manuscripts! (b) DID NOT HAVE Codex Sinaiticus. (i) Alexandrian text paralleled the Sinaiticus!
B.NIV referencing the Alexandrian Manuscripts. 1. Copied FROM the Codex Sinaiticus. a) “Englicize” = “Sinai and Vatican Manuscript! b) These 2 texts delete later part of Mark 16.
2. This passage in majority of the ancient manuscripts! a) “Why would these 2 manuscripts be considered?” b) They are older than all the others. (1) The argument of the “higher critics”!
(2) Result THIRTY THOUSAND changes. (a) Manuscripts most modern translations come. 3. Alexandrian texts accepted by the Catholic Church. a) Alexandrian text = Latin Vulgate.
(1) “Original Vulgate” translated from the Textus Receptus. (2) Taken from the Alexandrian text! (a) Webster’s Online “Vulgate” = Bible used by the Catholic Church” IV.CONCLUSION
A.2Peter 1:21-2:2 1. “Destructive heresies” when Peter wrote this. 2. Justin Martyr embraced Christianity and killed for it. a) His teachings were heretical in nature: b) He wore robes of a pagan philosopher.
(1) Tatian tried to blend Christianity - Gnosticism (2) Clement took it even further! (3) Origen a student of Clement.... (a) Corruption of the Alexandrian texts. 3. Close with this:
B.Is older better? 1. In the second and third centuries “church fathers” QUOTE these verses! a) Manuscripts 200 years older than the Sinaiticus Manuscripts! (1) We have to go what Irenæus - Hippolytus?
(a) Quoting the Textus Receptus. C.Matthew 5: Matthew 24: Jesus promised to keep His word!