Illuminated Initials
Illuminations from the Middle Ages In early medieval times, monks were the sole makers of illuminated manuscripts. Before universities existed, monasteries were the central places for learning. Monks copied books mainly for use in worship. However, rulers and high-ranking churchmen commissioned books from monasteries, including historical records and Greek and Roman literature.
Illuminations from the Middle Ages To make a new manuscript, a monk had to obtain a book to copy. He might have to travel quite a distance to borrow one from another monastery, and even stay there to do his copying. Scribes worked in a room called a scriptorium. Sometimes the same person was both scribe and illustrartor, but not necessarily. One monk might do the writing and another the illuminating. While they translated the bible, they would decorate or “illuminate” the first letter in a paragraph.
Illuminations from the Middle Ages After the 12 th century, monks were no longer the only scribes. The rise of universities and the middle class created a demand for books and book production became a way to make more money. Making illuminated manuscripts became a business conducted in cities. A person who wanted a book would order it through a bookseller, who hired scribes and illuminators to do the work.
manus scriptus Manuscript Illuminated Manuscripts
The word manuscript is derived from the Latin words manus (hand) and scriptus, from the verb scribere (to write). Today the term is used to describe any handwritten text. The word illumination comes from the Latin verb illuminare (to light up), which, in this context, describes the glow created by the radiant colors of the illustrations, especially gold and silver. Illuminated Manuscripts
1. Your Name Initial – one or all 2. Three Symbols – Things that represent you 3. Border - border should relate to the rest of your illumination. 4. A Color Harmony and expert shading skills Illuminated Initials Project Requirements:
Thumbnail Sketches: Small, quick preparatory sketches that explore different ideas and compositions
Shading For each shape in your drawing, shade with three colored pencils: light, medium and dark. These can be of the same color or analogous colors (colors next to each other on the color wheel)
Invent a creative illumination of your own initials You will need to do a minimum of six thumbnail sketches and a large rough draft before starting the final ! Your final illumination should include: 1.Your Name Initial – one or all 2.Three Symbols – Things that represent you 3. Border - border should relate to the rest of your illumination. 4. A Color Harmony and expert shading skills Your grade will be based on Creativity, Design, Craftsmanship, Effort and Attitude.