archaeo = ancient/primitive Definition: the scientific study of the lives and culture of past people by excavation
Word: archaeology
Arch = chief, primary, first Definition: A family, society, community, or state governed by women
Word: matriarchy
Aster/astr = star Definition: the study of the stars and space
Word: astronomy
Audi = hear Definition: loud enough that it can be heard
Word: audible
Bene = good/well Definition: doing or inclined to do good, be kind or charitable
Word: benevolence
Ma = mother Definition: feeling motherly; on Mom’s side of the family
Word: maternal
Pa = father Definition: social system where the father or a man is recognized as the head or leader.
Word: Patriarchy
Fra = brother Definition: brotherly; twins that are not identical
Word: fraternal
Bio = life Definition: utilizing electronic devices and mechanical parts to assist humans in performing difficult, dangerous, or intricate tasks, as by supplementing or duplicating parts of the body
Word: bionic
Brev = short Definition: the quality of being concise, succinct, to the point
Word: brevity
Derm = skin Definition: doctor who specializes in the skin
Word: dermatologist
Chloro=green Definition: the green pigment found in plants.
Chrono=time Definition: a history of facts arranged in the order in which they happened.
Word: chronicle
Dic/dict = speak Definition: a ruler with absolute power
Word: dictator
Fer = to carry Definition: a boat that carries people and cars over water to another point of land
Word: Ferry
Fix = fasten Definition: to direct all attention at something; unwillingnes s to let something go
Word: fixate/fixation
Gen = birth Definition: to create something from scratch— energy or ideas
Word: generate
Gen = birth Definition: the way in which something comes to be; origins The first book in the Bible
Word: genesis
Geo = earth Definition: The study of the earth and its physical and cultural properties
Word: geography
Graph = write Definition: a diagram
Word: graph
Graph = write Definition: fancy, cursive script
Word: Calligraphy
Hemo = blood Definition: the escape of large amounts of blood from a blood vessel; heavy bleeding
Word: hemorrhage
Herb = plant Definition: animal feeding on grass or plants only
Word: herbivore
Hydro = water Definition: the production of power/energy by water.
Word: hydroelectric
Jur/just = law Definition: a group of people sworn to hear the evidence and judge the facts in a case to give a decision.
Word: jury
Log/logue = word/thought Definition: a long speech in a play by one character
Word: monologue
Luc = light Definition: letting light pass through
word: translucent
Manu = hand Definition: to make by hand or by machine
Word: manufacture
Manu = hand Definition: first completed draft of a book or screenplay.
Word: manuscript
Meter/metr = measure Clue: In Canada and much of the rest of the world, speed is measured in…
Word: kilometer
Neg = no Definition: to ignore or disregard
Word: neglect
Neg = no Defition: the opposite of positive 4-7=-3 Take your medicine No!
Word: negative