Water Resources Management
Drought Management & Water Harvesting Drought: Drought is condition of water deficit sufficient to have an adverse effect on vegetation, animals and man over a sizeable area.
Types of drought: 1)Metrological drought 2) Hydrological drought 3) Agricultural drought 4) Socioeconomic drought
Cause of Drought: 1)Amount of water vapor in the atmosphere 2)Shifting of air masses 3)Cold and warm water ocean currents 4)Mountains 5)Human activities 6)Global warming
Effects of Drought: 1)Economic: - Loss of national economic growth - Damage to crop quality, less food production - Increase in food prices - Increased importation of flood - Insect infestation - Plant disease - Loss from dairy and livestock production - Income loss for farmers and others affected - Unemployment - Loss to recreational and tourism industry - Loss of hydroelectric power - Loss of navigability of rivers and canals
2)Economic: - Increased desertification-Damage to animal species - Reduction and degradation of fish and wildlife - Lack of feed and drinking water - Disease - Increased predation - Loss of wildlife in some areas and too many in others - Increased stress to endangered species - Damage to plant species - Increased number and severity of fires
3)Social: - Food shortage - Loss of human life from food shortages, heat, suicides - Mental and physical stress - Water user conflicts - Political conflicts - Social unrest - Loss of cultural sites - Reduced quality of life which leads to changes in lifestyle - Increased poverty
Watersheds Water Harvesting
5 - Region: All drainage flowing into Arabian Sea except that Indus drainage G - Basin: Tapi 2 - Catchments: Sea Confluence to Ukai B - Sub-catchments: Main Tapi 2 - Watershed: Lower Tapi nearer its confluence to sea a – Sub watershed(3000 – 5000 ha.) 1 – Mini watershed(1000 – 3000 ha.) a – micro-watershed(500 – 1000 ha.) 5G2B2a1a (Code of Hydrology)
i) Fan-shaped Watersheds ii) Fern-Leaf shaped Watersheds
Characteristics of Watersheds based on: 1.Size 2. Shape 3. Land 4. Slope 5. Climate 6. Drainage 7. Land use 8. Vegetation 9. Geology and Soil 10. Hydrology
Objective of Watersheds Management 1) Conserving Soil & Water
Water Requirement 1) For Irrigation
2) For Hydropower generation
3 For Domestic Water Supply
4) For Navigation requirement
5) For Fish and wild life
5) For Recreation -Boation -Fishing -Swimming -Sports
2) Ground Water Recharge
3) Growing greenery
4) Rain Water Management or Roof Water harvesting System
5) Reclamation of alkali Soil
Prepared, Prepared by, Dr Dhruvesh Patel Prepared, Prepared by, Dr Dhruvesh Patel Image Source: