Food Science Mr. Wisness
Event This year’s theme is cereal bars Team Product Development Written Test Customer Complaint Letter Food Safety/Sanitation Photos Aroma Identification Difference Testing Taste Testing
Team Product Development Given a scenario and the team has 60 minutes to develop a product (actually make it), correctly calculate a nutritional label, develop the ingredient statement and educational panel and develop the front or principal display panel to reflect the new product and its market Then you will give a ten minute oral product development proposal 5 minute question period
Written Test 50 question multiple choice test
Customer Complaint Letter Given 15 minutes to answer three questions First determine if it is a food quality problem or food safety problem Then determine if it is biological, chemical, or physical in nature Finally, write out possible solutions/reaction to
Food Safety/Sanitation Photos Given 10 photos of potential food safety and/or sanitation problems Also given a numbered list of potential problems Write the number in the score sheet
Aroma Identification Identify 4 different aromas
Difference Testing Given Three samples and must tell which is different Can either be aroma, visual cues or textural differences
Difference Tasting
Difference Testing
Difference Testing
Taste Testing Use 2 food samples to compare a third Based on the number given to the 2 samples, you are to give a ranking from 1 to 15 of the unknown sample The qualities include density, sweetness, cohesiveness, etc. For example, if the samples are sweet and one is ranked 5 and the other is 14 – you rank the third. If it is less sweet than 5, it will be a 1, 2, 3 or 4. If it is between the two, rank it accordingly.
Taste Testing
Taste Testing
Taste Testing
Taste Testing