Canine and Feline Infections Disease Prevention VI Parasites I OWA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF A GRICULTURE AND L IFE S CIENCES ANS 424 N. Matthew Ellinwood, D.V.M., Ph.D. February 1, 2012
Parasites and Vector Borne Disease Emphasis on control and prevention Ectoparasites –Ticks and fleas Arthropod borne disease –Heartworm Intestinal parasitism
Ectoparasite Control Products Frontline Plus –Fipronil and S-methoprene GABA gated chloride channel blocker - stimulant Juvenile hormone anologue (fatty acid derivative) –Active against (Fipronil) Adult flees, dear tick, brown dog tick, American dog tick, and lone star tick –Active against (S-methoprene) Flee eggs and larva –Different cat and dog product
Additional Products Advantix II Kills and repels Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes (all stages) Neurotransmitter disrupters/neurotoxins: –Imidacloprid and permethrin Growth regulator disrupter –Pyripoxyfen – disrupts egg hatching Not a cat product –Restrict contact between cats and dogs, 24 hrs post admin
Additional Products Advantage II Kills Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes (all stages) Neurotransmitter disrupters/neurotoxins: –Imidacloprid Growth regulator disrupter –Pyripoxyfen – disrupts egg hatching Cat and dog products
Ectoparasite Borne Diseases Lyme disease –Deer tick Dipylidium caninum (one of three tape worms) –Flea ingestion Hemobartonellosis, anoplasmosis, Rocky mountain spotted fever, rickettsial, ehrilichial agents, etc. –Fleas or tick vectors
Heartworm Prevention Vector borne microfilarial parasite –Mosquito –Adults cause life threatening chronic lung and heart disease in dogs –Incidence of clinical disease in cats unclear but is likely 1/10 th that of canine disease – –Chemoprophylaxis
Heartworm Prevention Topical/Oral Oral –Ivermectin (heart guard) or Milbemycin (interceptor) based Topical –Moxidectin (Advantatge Multi for cats or dogs) –Selamectin (Revolution for cats or dogs)
Intestinal Parasites Round worm Hook worm Whip worm Adult versus reproductive/neonatal infection Rountine prevention –Whip worm (reinfestation) and Hook worm