Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth 1 The Academy of Integrative Energetic Medicine (AIEM) in Association with the Circle of Truth Trust presents
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth2 Myth Busters Separating Facts and Rumors in Alternative Medicine
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth3 The purpose of this presentation is not to offend, hurt, demean or insult. To anyone insulted or offended by the above disclaimer, I apologize. The purpose is to provoke thought, insights and stimulate conversation and personal development. Avoid over- extension of true principles Circle of Truth
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth4 What are the positive and negative connotations of the following statements? There is no bad or evil energy, there is only good energy.
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth5 Truth is…. Opposites exist in the universe, it is LAW. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. All things must exist in balance & harmony. Too much or too little water, food, medicine or money can all be disastrous. Semantically speaking, energy is neutral, as are all experiences. Our perception and application of it gives it value and purpose. There are some who will exert energy for negative, harmful, selfish purposes.
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth6 What about…..? I have ‘cured’ __________ (fill in the blank with the disease of your choice) ________ times. (pick your favorite number and place on the line)
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth7 Truth is….. We do not ‘cure’ FURTHERMORE If the same disease keeps showing up, all you have done is reduced the symptoms, not impacted the disease.
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth8 How about…? The need for “non judgment”, or ‘we should not judge’. What does that really mean?
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth9 Truth is….. WWhich is a better product, flax seed oil or primrose oil? WWhich is worse, diet coke or alcohol? WWe ‘non judgmental folks’ are actually quite judgmental. Just listen to our conversations about doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, ex- partners ( business and personal) etc.
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth10 Furthermore… Judgment is an essential component of discernment Judgment is part of stereotypes, which are a natural psychological process. Stereotypes are processed and stored information. The values that we attach to them gives them +/- meaning.
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth11 To judge or not to judge? “Judge not that ye be not judged…For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged”…Matt 7:1,2 …”Judge righteous judgment” John 7:24 Hold yourself to the standard by which you judge so that there is no hypocrisy in you.
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth12 One of my favorites The intention to do good is good enough… So does this mean you can give me a scalpel and if I intend to do good brain surgery that is sufficient???
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth13 Intention is not enough !! It must be combined with commitment, learning, dedication, personal discipleship, sacrifice, but mostly… it must be in harmony with Divine Will and eternal laws.
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth14 Truth is….. 2 million people acquire infections while hospitalized, 90,000 die from those infections 195,000 die in hospital due to medical errors in each of 2000, 2001, 2002 Zhan and Miller, JAMA. October 2003 This problem should be considered a national epidemic Zhan and Miller, JAMA. Oct 2003 The road to hell (and obviously death) is paved with good intentions.
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth15 Lastly… I have given it away……I do not need any emotional, psychological or spiritual work, I have done all that stuff, this is purely physical. I have given all that other stuff away. Not to discount any work you have done on these issues…
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth16 Truth is … Not acknowledging something is not an effective means of ‘giving it way’. While some of the “situations” and “experiences’ may well have been given away, what of the core principles? More often than not, they have not been given away but have just been buried deeper.
Intellectual Property of AIEM/ Circle of Truth17 Healing must occur… On the Mental, Spiritual and Physical planes Even then, the work has just begun… Remember there is a distinct difference between being healed and becoming WHOLE