Construction HSE Guideline _ 2005 A-HSE Management & Organization B-Construction HSE Regulation C-HSE Promotion
A - HSE Management and Organization 1.HSE Staff - BTC HSE staff - Main contractor HSE staff - Subcontractor HSE staff 2.HSE Meeting -Daily -Weekly -Monthly 3.HSE Audit Supervisor responsible for HSE where workers > 5 people Full time HSE supervisor onsite where worker > 40 people (Ratio of Full time HSE supervisor / workers shall not exceed than a 1 /100 .)
- Only authorized person B - HSE Regulation _General regulation Site Access - Only authorized person - Only passed the HSE training will allowed to entering site - Only authorized routes must be used - Road closure permit is required - Guard rail or barricade - Only suitable , sound and properly maintained equipment
( No eating shall be permitted within the construction site ) B - HSE Regulation _General regulation Welfare of employee such as - Rest area - Drinking water supply - First aid box - First aider training - Basic first aider 1/ 40 ( 1 day course) - Fully qualify first aider 1/ 100(5 days course) ( No eating shall be permitted within the construction site )
- Only necessary to the project shall be permitted. B - HSE Regulation _General regulation Transportation - Only necessary to the project shall be permitted. - Only licensed and authorized personal are allowed to drive - Passengers must never be carried unless a proper seat is provided. - Contractor shall submit to BTC a road safety policy.
Registration Required Registration Required B - HSE Regulation _General regulation HSE Training -Training outline 1. General safety rule 2. PC , BPA Plant entering 3. Emergency cases - Triangle sticker will provided to whomever which passed the training - Project contractor badge will provided for entering construction area. ( New issue ) BPA 2005 Registration Required PC 2005 Registration Required No. 1001 Project Contractor
B - HSE Regulation_Construction regulation Pre Construction area Construction area HSE Training PPE Prejob Discussion JSA / Risk Assessment Method Statement Equipment inspection Permit to work Working at heights Man riding baskets Safety Hardness Scaffolding Ladders Steel erection Fire Protection Hot work Welding Use of gas &oxygen equipment Explosive Compressed air Abrasive wheels - Sub tool & equipment Machinery guard Noise Lifting equipment Work in confined spaces COSHTH Radiography Company plant equipment Access House keeping Register & Authorization Environment control Report Acc / Inc Emergency preparedness - First aid facility
- Safety Performance RIR (OSHA) - HSE Awards - HSE Tools box talk. C - Construction HSE Promotion - Safety Performance RIR (OSHA) - HSE Awards - HSE Tools box talk.