HAMA PEMUKIMAN RESTI RAHAYU Sumber: Bahan Seminar dari Prof. Chow Yang Lee
Background We live in a millennium where more than half the human population live in the urban area. A large percentage concentrates in Asia. Out of the 10 most populated cities in the world, 7 come from Asia.
The Most Populated Cities in the World (by Metro Population) Source: * * *
Tokyo (32.45 million) Source:
Taking a summer dip in the pool in Tokyo! Source:
Urban and Slum Populations Slum population today: Asia million; Africa million, Latin America & Caribbean million. The highest percentage of slum dwellers: Africa (72% of the urban population), South Central Asia (59%), eastern Asia (36%), western Asia (33%), and Latin America and the Caribbean (32%). Although the highest percentage of slum dwellers is in African cities, in numbers alone, Asia accounts for some 60% of the world’s urban slum residents.
Urban slums are common in most major cities in Asia
Urban Issues Poor air and water quality in many of these cities affect the health of the urbanites. In high densely populated cities, the people have limited access to the health services. In addition, the slums also host a variety of infectious diseases (eg. dengue, malaria, tuberculosis, etc) where a number of them are transmitted by insect vectors. These diseases spread even faster in highly populated areas.
The Straits Times (Singapore, 3 Oct 2010
Urban Issues (cont.) Urbanization has also encroached into the natural ecosystem that were formerly rich with biodiversity. Besides affecting the species richness in the cleared sites, other problems may arise. Wildlife that were never a problem in the natural ecosystem suddenly become pests in the urban ecosystem.
Important Pests in the Urban Environment in South East Asia
Pest issues in the urban environment in Southeast Asia Vector-borne diseases (dengue, malaria, filariasis, chikungunya, plague, leptospirosis, etc). Economic damages (termites, rats, bed bugs, stored- product insects, etc). Mechanical vectors of pathogens (flies, cockroaches, pest ants, etc). Pests of pets (dog fleas, cat fleas, ticks, etc). Nuisance (bed bugs, pest ants, geckos, etc).