WarmUp Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your journal: ▫1. What do you know about the new health care plan in the US (Affordable Healthcare Act)? ▫2. Do you think healthcare reform is needed in the US? Why or why not? ▫3. What are your concerns regarding the legislation? ▫4. What are good things you know/have heard about the plan?
Chapter 11.2 Gender, Age & Health
Poor People often uninsured difficulty accessing & paying for care cannot afford prescription drugs few doctors in poor communities
Elderly Individuals need more care than general population often poor or on strict budgets sometimes refused coverage based on pre- existing conditions
AIDS Sufferers need constant care in advanced stages sometimes refused care because of fear of infection often not covered by insurance
Alternative Medicine treating illness with unconventional methods such as acupuncture, biofeedback, acupressure, massage, meditation, yoga, herbal remedies & relaxation techniques
Activity: Affordable Healthcare Act Analysis In your breakout groups, grab the packet of information regarding the Affordable Healthcare Act. Create a poster with essential information from the legislation, a timeline of implementation & criticisms of the law. Be prepared to discuss the information with the class.
Ticket Out The Door…. 1. Make a list of 5 new things that you learned about the Affordable Healthcare Act. 2. Has your opinion of the legislation changed at all? Why or why not?