Brownfields Health Risks & Remediation Diogo Cadima Topic ‘A’ Term Project CET 413
Brownfields Abandoned, idled, or under- used industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contaminations Abandoned, idled, or under- used industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contaminations Contain presence, or potential presence of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. Contain presence, or potential presence of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. Definition of a Brownfield
Brownfields Often abandoned and overlooked by developers in the past Often abandoned and overlooked by developers in the past –High development costs –Possible future long term health risks New Jersey Contains 28% of nation’s Brownfield properties New Jersey Contains 28% of nation’s Brownfield properties Definition of a Brownfield
Brownfields Recent Interest in Brownfields Recent Interest in Brownfields –Lack of open land in recent years has made it more common practice for developers to build and develop Brownfields –High costs of land and construction Health Effects of Developing Brownfields Health Effects of Developing Brownfields –Developers often disregard possible health risks –Could lead to serious health problems Developing Brownfields
1. Identifying and assessing contaminated land 2. Analyze health risks involved in developing and living on brownfields 3. Long and Short term health risks of exposure to toxic contaminants 4. Assessing important steps to remediation 5. Setting and discussing important steps to correct problem at hand Brownfields Outline of Report
Vital in order to sustain increased quality of life and conservation of ecosystems Vital in order to sustain increased quality of life and conservation of ecosystems Contaminated land needs to be controlled and prevented Contaminated land needs to be controlled and prevented Various areas of contaminated land have been identified and remediated in recent years Various areas of contaminated land have been identified and remediated in recent years Brownfields Identifying contaminated land
Brownfields Performed to decide whether or not a site poses any potential risks to human health or the environment Performed to decide whether or not a site poses any potential risks to human health or the environment Typically done in systematic phases which allow for stepped decision making based on the level of information for each phase Typically done in systematic phases which allow for stepped decision making based on the level of information for each phase Three phases of assessment: Three phases of assessment: 1.Phase 1a - Hazard identification 2.Phase 1b - Collecting and analyzing quantitative information 3.Phase 2 - Risk assessment Assessing contaminated land
Develop a conceptual model for a contaminated land which is to be developed Develop a conceptual model for a contaminated land which is to be developed Model will describe the important sources and pathways for the site and make preliminary assessments of their importance Model will describe the important sources and pathways for the site and make preliminary assessments of their importance Model should include: Model should include: –Description of site –Possible sources of contamination –Likely concentrations of contamination –Possible receptors of contamination Brownfields Assessing contaminated land - Phase 1a
Test conceptual model created in phase 1a in order to discover the extent of the source of contamination Test conceptual model created in phase 1a in order to discover the extent of the source of contamination Determine possible method of contamination Determine possible method of contamination Model should include: Model should include: –Summary of uncertainties –Survey of property –Site delineation –List of sources and locations –Contamination samples and data –Conclusions Brownfields Assessing contaminated land - Phase 1b
Analyze all data collected from conceptual models in phases 1a and 1b Analyze all data collected from conceptual models in phases 1a and 1b Assess human and environmental risk involved Assess human and environmental risk involved Creating of risk estimation based on data collected and evaluate the clean-up work required Creating of risk estimation based on data collected and evaluate the clean-up work required Clean-up procedure implemented Clean-up procedure implemented Brownfields Assessing contaminated land - Phase 2
Brownfields Health Risks - Humans Contaminants in Brownfields could come in contact with humans thru: Contaminants in Brownfields could come in contact with humans thru: –Contaminated soil in parks and in backyards of homes –Contaminated drinking water –Inhalation of Vaporized contaminants Chromium, pesticides and herbicides are carcinogenic to humans Chromium, pesticides and herbicides are carcinogenic to humans Lead is extremely hazardous to children and can cause brain and nervous damage Lead is extremely hazardous to children and can cause brain and nervous damage Benzene can be associated with leukemia Benzene can be associated with leukemia Mercury and cyclodienes often lead to kidney damage and liver toxicity Mercury and cyclodienes often lead to kidney damage and liver toxicity
Brownfields Health Risks - Ecosystems Could also effect our ecosystem thru micro organisms which live off the soil by ingesting toxic chemicals and affecting the food chain Could also effect our ecosystem thru micro organisms which live off the soil by ingesting toxic chemicals and affecting the food chain Example: Example: –Chickens ingesting moderate levels of contamination from soil leading to weakened egg shells and increased chick mortality Contaminated soil has also affected agriculture by altering plan metabolism leading to reduced crop yields Contaminated soil has also affected agriculture by altering plan metabolism leading to reduced crop yields
Brownfields Actions or procedures taken to environmentally clean-up contaminated land in order to restore it to it’s original condition Actions or procedures taken to environmentally clean-up contaminated land in order to restore it to it’s original condition Has become standard policy in various countries to require remediation of contaminated land. Has become standard policy in various countries to require remediation of contaminated land. Two essential methods of remediation Two essential methods of remediation –Containment –Treatment Remediation
Brownfields Purpose is to confine contaminants in order to prevent their contact with humans and the ecosystem Purpose is to confine contaminants in order to prevent their contact with humans and the ecosystem Can be achieved by: Can be achieved by: –Properly containing the contaminants on site –On site treatment –Temporary storage Method most often chosen by developers due to low costs Method most often chosen by developers due to low costs Very risky procedure because of high possibility that contaminants may leak Very risky procedure because of high possibility that contaminants may leak Remediation - Containment
Brownfields Permanently restore land to its original condition Permanently restore land to its original condition Most ecological method of dealing with contaminated land Most ecological method of dealing with contaminated land Three most commonly used methods of treatment are: Three most commonly used methods of treatment are: –Thermal treatments –Thermal desorption –Extraction –Bioremediation Remediation - Treatment
Brownfields Thermal Treatments: Thermal Treatments: –Involves incinerating contaminated soil to destroy organic compounds –Prohibited in some locations due to potential of combustion by-products such as dioxins Thermal Desorption: Thermal Desorption: –Uses heat to remove contaminants from soil and then uses condensation to capture the contaminants for disposal –Widely used as it does not produce dangerous by-products –Not as effective as incineration Extraction: Extraction: –Physical removal of contaminated soil or water from a site to a separate location to either confine it or treat it Bioremediation: Bioremediation: –Uses microbial treatments to remediate toxic contamination –Uses microorganisms, fungi, green plants or their enzymes to return the environment altered by contaminants to its original condition Remediation - Treatment Methods
Brownfields Remediation - Thermal Desorption
Brownfields Remediation - Bioremediation
Brownfields Conclusions Federal, state and local governments will continue to invest billions of dollars to help environmentally clean-up contaminated sites Federal, state and local governments will continue to invest billions of dollars to help environmentally clean-up contaminated sites More investment and dedication will lead to better controls over possible future contaminations and improved methods of treatment More investment and dedication will lead to better controls over possible future contaminations and improved methods of treatment “With the help of every human together with the various levels of government, man-kind can continue to make important strides to correct a problem which it created”