AQA English Language (2015) AQA English Literature (2015)
New GCSEs for 2015-17: What’s changed? No coursework or controlled assessment – all assessment is from exams in May/June 2017 A*-G grades are replaced by grades 1-9 Some changes to texts and unit topics More freedom to teach reading and writing skills!
100% Exam AQA GCSE English Language (2015) AQA GCSE English Literature (2015) Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing Reading an ‘unseen’ fiction text Descriptive or narrative writing 1 hour 45 minutes Worth 50% of the GCSE Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel One question on Macbeth One question on A Christmas Carol No copies of the texts 40% of GCSE Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives Comparing two non-fiction texts Writing to present a viewpoint Modern texts and Poetry One question on Animal Farm One comparative question on poems from the Poetry Anthology One question on an ‘unseen’ poem 2 hours 15 minutes Worth 60% of the GCSE Spoken Language Assessed by the teacher throughout Marked by the teacher 0% of the GCSE
A*-G Grades Replaced by 1-9 For your child: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Spread of top grades has been increased to avoid ‘bunching’ at the top The rough equivalent of a C grade is the bottom of grade 4 A similar percentage of pupils nationally are expected to achieve grades 4-9 as have achieved grades A*-C in the past In the past: A* A B C D E F G
Texts and Unit Topics A1 A2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su2 Y10 Animal Farm A1 A2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su2 Y10 Animal Farm Poetry Anthology Reading Literary Fiction Descriptive/ Narrative Writing Macbeth Literature Paper 2 Mock Lit Paper 2 Mock Lang Paper 1 Mock Macbeth Question Y11 Reading non-Fiction A Christmas Carol Non-Fiction: Writing from a viewpoint Unseen Poetry Skills / Anthology Revision skills and Exams Lit Paper 1 Mock
More Freedom to Teach English Skills! The new course creates more time for: Looking at different perspectives on issues raised by a text Understanding the history behind Animal Farm (Communism and the Russian revolution), Macbeth (Elizabethan England) and A Christmas Carol (Victorian England) Reading and writing skills that will enhance your child’s life
What can you do to help? Reasoning, forming arguments and thinking of different perspectives – talk to them and help them with these skills! The Russian Revolution, and Elizabethan and Victorian England – test your knowledge and theirs! Reading widely and regularly – make sure your child has a book on the go, and they have a varied diet of quality fiction and non-fiction. Make sure they have a clear, calm space to do their homework. BBC Bitesize is a good place to go for curriculum knowledge.