1 WCC 2006 PROGRAMME REPORT by Ramon Puigjaner IPC Chairman August 26, 2006
2 WCC 2006 IPC Task conditions –IPC late appointment Withdrawal of Jerusalem and allocation to Santiago in August 2004 Illness of the first appointed IPC Chair, obliged to withdrawal Appointment of the new IPC chair in December 2004 and starting the task in January 2005 –Burning of the Diego Portales Convention Center
3 WCC 2006 Structure 4 Key note talks 10 Conferences 1 Symposium 6 Workshops 6 Tutorials
4 WCC 2006 Key notes Nanorobots and Nanoassembly –Aristides A. G. Requicha, Laboratory for Molecular Robotics, Univ. of Southern California, USA Innovation in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities –Irving Wladawsky-Berger, Vice President, Technical Strategy and Innovation, IBM Corporation
5 WCC 2006 Key notes Information and Communication Technologies in Emerging Economies: The Microsoft Research Experience –Sailesh Chutani, Director, External Research and Programs, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Corp. The BCS is leading a major programme to create the ‘Profession of the 21 st Century’ –Charles Hughes, President of the British Computer Society, UK
6 WCC 2006 Conference Statistics Total number of papers submitted: 410 Countries: 43 –BR: 62 –DE: 31 –CL: 29 –US: 28 –FR: 20 –AR: 20 –CA: 14 –AU: 13 –PT: 12
7 WCC 2006 Conference Statistics Reasons of the reduction of submissions with respect to Toulouse 2004: –The geographical situation of Santiago –The reduction of the publicity actions Problems with the web server Low number of messages announcing the event Time response of the web master too high
8 WCC 2006 Conferences 4th International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, TCS 2006 –Papers: Invited 6 Submitted 44 Accepted16 Conference on Education for the 21st Century - Impact of ICT and Digital Resources –Papers Invited 2 Submitted 77 Accepted53 Posters 8 Workshop 1
9 WCC 2006 Conferences 8th International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks, MWCN’2006 –Papers Invited 1 Submitted 27 Accepted18 Workshop 1 1st International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networking –Papers Invited 1 Submitted 21 Accepted13
10 WCC 2006 Conferences 5th International Conference on Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility, Net-Con’2006 –Papers Invited 1 Submitted 26 Accepted17 International Conference on “The past and future of Information Systems: and beyond” –Papers Invited 2 Submitted 38 Accepted17 Panel 3
11 WCC 2006 CONFERENCES 2nd IFIP International Conference on History of Computing and Education, HCE-2 –Papers Invited 1 Submitted 17 Accepted14 Panel 1 Conference on Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing, BICC 2006 –Papers Invited 3 Submitted 27 Accepted17
12 WCC 2006 CONFERENCES Security: from aspects and technology to security management –Activities 4 invited talks 2 tutorials 1 panel 1 special session 2 security sessions of networking stream
13 WCC 2006 CONFERENCES Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice, AI 2006 –Papers Invited 4 Submitted 111 Accepted 50 IFIP AI Symposium 2006, AIS 2006 –Papers Accepted 37
14 WCC 2006 WORKSHOPS Women in Technology Workshop –Organizer: Barbara Waugh –7 presentations –Sponsored by HP Emerging computing trends: utility computing and digital publishing –Organizers: Alejandro Jofré and Bernardo Huberman –9 speakers –Sponsored by HP
15 WCC 2006 WORKSHOPS IFIP WG 6.9 Workshop on Wireless Communications and Information Technology in Developing Countries, WCIT'2006 –Organizers: Ana Pont and Mieso Denko –7 papers out of 14 submitted –Linked to MWCN 2006 Conference International Workshop on Informatics Education: Bridging the University/Industry Gap –Organizer: Barrie Thompson –4 discussion sessions and 1 plenary –Linked to IFIP Conference on Education for the 21st Century - Impact of ICT and Digital Resources
16 WCC 2006 WORKSHOPS International Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering, IWASE –Organizer: Sergio Ochoa –1 invited talk –12 papers out of 27 submitted Improving IT Practitioners Skills –Organizer: Roger Johnson –9 presentations
17 WCC 2006 CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS Strong problems with the paper handling system –Problems for authors to upload papers –Strong problems for reviewers to download papers and to upload reviews solved by the conference and workshop chairs by the use of –Slow reaction of the web master to the requests of the conference and workshop chairs For solving problems For updating web pages
18 WCC 2006 TUTORIALS When Good Algorithms Yield Bad Software Ernst Leiss, Univ. of Houston, USA Multidimensional Raster Databases Peter Baumann, International Univ. Bremen, Germany Ontology Development in Database Systems and Software Engineering: A Hands-on Tutorial Karin Breitman, Marco Antonio Casanova, PUC do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
19 WCC 2006 TUTORIALS Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (MCSCL) Miguel Nussbaum, PUC de Chile Practical Approaches to Enterprise Security Auditing & Compliance Vijay Masurkar, SUN Microsystems, Inc Web Mining Ricardo Baeza-Yates, U. of Chile
20 WCC 2006 EVALAUTION General feeling –Sound technical programme –Good ambiance
21 WCC 2006 EVALUATION Thank you for your kind attention Questions?