Who is the “West” and why are they important? 1450-1750 Compare Russia’s interaction with the West with the interaction of one of the following (Ottoman Empire, China, Tokugawa Japan, Mughal India) with the West Who is the “West” and why are they important?
Mughal (MOH-guhl) India 1526-1761 Toleration – Akbar’s (r. 1556-1605) new “Divine Faith” (Muslim, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Sikh, Christian) Nanak’s Sikhs (1469-1539) 1723-Fragmentation favors European intrusions
Lessons Not Learned From the West Ottoman & Mughal decline/Changes in military tech & world economy- difficulty of basing land empire on military paid in land grants Money not in agriculture but in trade Seafaring countries turn trade networks into maritime empires (ship design, navigation, cannon) Joint-stock companies (English East India Co. 1600-Dutch E India Co. 1602
Ming China 1368-1644 International demand for silk, lacquered furniture Manufacturing: Assembly line production of porcelain (“china”) 16th c European merchants
Silverization Demand for silver opens ports at Macao and Canton Silver comes from “Manila Galleons” 16th Century Jesuits allowed to enter (Matteo Ricci) China not interested in European goods (clocks were like toys) Market gets glutted Manchu invaders fall of Ming
Kangxi 1662-1722 A Manchu Open to New Ideas Welcomes Jesuits Create European style maps Hold important offices Their medical knowledge (quinine) saves him from malaria Jesuits compromise to convert Chinese-allow Confucian ancestor worship/Pope objects & Kangxi orders all missionaries to sign a certificate accepting his position in support of Jesuits-breach develops, later Ching emperors persecuted them
Chinese Influence on Europeans Variolation (an early form of inoculation) Wealthy & aspiring middle classes demanded silk, tea, carved ivory (African finished in China) Wallpaper Voltaire proclaimed Ching Emperors model philosopher- kings who prevented aristocratic privilege-poems by Emperor Qianlong(1770’s)translated into French 1694-1778
Russia’s Peter the Great 1689-1725 At his enthronement, there were 100’s of western merchants in Moscow, European soldiers trained army in new weapons & techniques, Italian architects changed look of city 1697-1698/travels to Europe-success due to trade (money for weapons) & toleration (talented fleeing persecution) Modernizes & westernizes army, fashions, requires wives to end seclusion & attend functions, nobility educate their children
Russia’s “Westernization” was limited Civil & foreign wars in late 16th early 17th transformed peasants to serfs Tsars centralized power of expanding empire & rewarded nobles w/peasants Peasants could change masters during a 2 week period each year-so were treated better 1649 peasants-serfs/tied to land-runaways had to be returned to master
Tokugawa Japanese 1603-1853 Using guns within 30 yrs. of Portuguese landing in 1543 No interest in each other’s goods, so Dutch bought gold & silver in Japan to buy Chinese silk to resell
Tokugawa Japanese 1603-1853 Catholic missionaries converted 300,000 non-elites by early 17th 1614-new Shogun persecutes Christians & ends European trade to end influence Dutch on Nagasaki’s island spread weapons tech, shipbuilding math, astronomy, anatomy, geography “Dutch studies” Francis Xavier Died in Japan in 1552
Ottomans 1300-1922 1453-Use Hungarian cannon to take Constantinople Conquest of Balkans (late 14th) provided them w/Christian POWs for military slaves (Janissaries) 1718-1730 “Tulip Period” craze for high priced tulips-experimented w/European clothing, furniture & printing