ESOL Grades 1-2 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 1 Quarter 1 (Lv. 1.3)Quarter 2 (Lv. 1.6)Quarter 3 (Lv. 1.9)Quarter 4 (Lv. 2.2) Listening 1) Listen and do what the teacher does 2) Point to things that my teacher says 3) Listen to names and find real life objects 1) Follow one-step directions 2) Find pictures of things the teacher tells me 3) Listen to oral descriptions to identify classroom objects 1) Follow two-step directions 2) Match pictures to a simple story I hear 3) Listen to oral descriptions to identify people, places and things 1) Follow two and three step directions 2) Match pictures to a descriptive story I hear 3) Listen to oral descriptions of grade level content vocabulary and match to pictures Speaking 1) Repeat single words 2) Answer yes/no questions 3) Tell about myself using words 1) Repeat words and phrases 2) Answer questions about things I see with one word 3) Tell about myself and things around me using words and phrases 1) Sing and chant with the class 2) Tell about things I see with words and phrases 3) Compare things using cloze sentence prompts 1) Repeat facts or statements 2) Answer questions with short phrases or L1 to fill in gaps in oral English 3) Compare real life objects using suffixes -er, -est 4) Describe what people do from action pictures Reading 1) Match letters and pictures (beginning sounds) 2) Follow directions using pictures 3) Read letter names and sounds 1) Match words and pictures 2) Follow directions using words and pictures 3) Sort words by beginning sounds 1) Sort labeled pictures 2) Follow directions using phrases and pictures 3) Sound out single syllable words 1) Match voice to print by pointing to icons, letters or illustrated words 2) Follow simple directions with visual support 3) Sort words into word families Writing 1) Copy written letters and words 2) Draw picture to express ideas 3) Hear and write beginning letter sounds in words 1) Listen to the teacher explain how to write a word and write it 2) Label pictures with words 3) Hear and write beginning and ending letter sounds 1) Make lists from the word wall 2) Complete cloze sentences to write about a picture 3) Hear and write using phonetic spelling and some sight words 1) Finish sentences that the teacher starts 2) Use known phrases and simple sentences to describe people, places and things from pictures 3) Write words using knowledge of word families
ESOL Grades 1-2 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 2 Quarter 1 (Lv. 2.4)Quarter 2 (Lv. 2.6)Quarter 3 (Lv. 2.8)Quarter 4 (Lv. 3.0) Listening 1) Follow two and three step directions 2) Match pictures to a descriptive story I hear 3) Listen to oral descriptions of grade level content vocabulary and match to pictures 1) Follow modeled multi- step directions with visual support 2) Draw pictures to match oral descriptions of people, places, things or actions 3) Find academic words described orally on illustrated environmental print or in books 1) Follow modeled multi- step directions 2) Sequence pictures to a descriptive story I hear 3) Listen to oral descriptions to find similarities and differences 1) Follow multi-step directions independently 2) Sequence pictures of cycles or cause and effect relations based on text read aloud 3) Classify objects according to oral descriptions Speaking 1) Repeat facts or statements 2) Answer questions with short phrases or L1 to fill in gaps in oral English 3) Compare real life objects using suffixes -er, -est 4) Describe what people do from action pictures 1) Use sentence level discourse to respond to questions using sentence frames 2) Retell simple stories from picture cues with phrases and sentences 3) Compare objects or pictures by content-based categories 1) Ask simple questions about stories or other learning 2) Retell stories and content based processes (i.e. butterfly life cycle) from picture cues using simple sentences and sequential words 3) Explain content-based categories 1) Make simple predictions or hypotheses using sentence stems 2) Explain sequence of content-based phenomena (cycles; cause/effect) 3) Sort and explain different groupings of objects Reading 1) Use picture cues and initial sound to read new words in simple, patterned books 2) Read and interpret simple bar graphs 3) Sort words into word families 1) Use picture cues to build understanding of new words 2) Read and interpret T- charts and Venn Diagrams 3) Recognize basic sight words 1) Use picture cues and context clues to read simple thematic books 2) Read and interpret pictures and words from a time line 3) Use sight words and decoding to read simple patterned books 1) Match phrases and sentences to pictures 2) Read and interpret information from maps 3) Make text-self connections with prompting Writing 1) Finish sentences that the teacher starts 2) Use known phrases and simple sentences to describe people, places and things from pictures 3) Write words using some knowledge of word families 1) Provide information using basic graphic organizers 2) Do prewriting and write multiple sentences with sentence starters. 3) Hear and write CVC words correctly 1) Form simple sentences using word/phrase banks 2) Write and original sentence about myself or something I know 3) Use illustrated environmental print to write new/difficult or academic words 1) Use information from graphic organizers to write about content-based information 2) Write multiple sentences about myself or things I know 3) Apply word study patterns in daily writing
ESOL Grades 1-2 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 3 Quarter 1 (Lv. 3.2)Quarter 2 (Lv. 3.4)Quarter 3 (Lv. 3.6)Quarter 4 (Lv. 3.8) Listening 1) Follow modeled multi- step directions with visuals 2) Sequence pictures of stories, cycles or cause and effect 3) Classify objects according to oral descriptions 1) Follow modeled multi- step directions independently 2) Locate places based on detailed oral descriptions 3) Sort objects into two categories based on oral directions 1) Follow multi-step directions to solve academic problems one step at a time 2) Locate objects and figures based on visuals and detailed oral descriptions 3) Compare/ contrast objects using a single physical feature (size, shape, color etc.) 1) Follow multi-step directions to solve problems with visual support 2) Find details in illustrated, narrative, or expository text read aloud 3) Compare/ contrast objects using a variety of physical features (size, shape, color etc.) based on oral information Speaking 1) Ask questions and make statements about present situations 2)Make simple predictions or hypotheses using sentence stems 3) Explain features of content-based phenomena (cycles; cause/effect) 1) Ask questions and make statements about past and present 2) Make predictions or hypotheses using correct future and conditional tenses 3) Use academic vocabulary in class discussions 1) Ask questions and make statements using future or conditional (will or would) 2) Retell stories using the most important details 3) Express and support ideas with examples 1) Ask questions and participate in discussions for social and academic purposes 2) Put stories in the correct order using basic order words 3) Express and support ideas using appropriate examples from text Reading 1) Match phrases and simple sentences to pictures 2) Identify characters in stories 3) Make text-self connections with prompting 1) Sort illustrated content words into labeled groups 2) Describe setting - time and place 3) Make text-text connections with prompting 1) Select titles to match a series of pictures 2) Identify problem and solution 3) Identify content specific language (rose vs. flower) 1) Put words in order to form sentences 2) Identify basic elements of fictional stories 3) Distinguish between general and specific language in context Writing 1) Use information from graphic organizers to write about content-based information 2) Write multiple sentences about myself or things I know 3) Apply word study patterns in daily writing 1) Use information from graphic organizers to write about content-based information 2) Write about personal experiences 3) Use previously read text or picture dictionaries to write new/difficult words 1) Use information from a graphic organizer or word wall to write cards and letters 2) Write in response to academic experiences (reading response/ reflection) 3) Use a variety of resources to write new/difficult words 1) Use a familiar graphic organizer to plan and write to a prompt 2) Retell simple stories in writing with picture support and sequential words from a word bank 3) Produce original sentences
ESOL Grades 1-2 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 4 Quarter 1 (Lv. 4.2)Quarter 2 (Lv. 4.6)Quarter 3 (Lv. 4.8)Quarter 4 (Lv. 5.0) Listening 1) Compare/ contrast objects using a variety of physical features (size, shape, color etc.)based on oral information 2) Find details in illustrated narrative or expository text read aloud 3) Locate objects, figures, places, based on visuals and detailed oral descriptions. 1) Summarize information from oral reading of narrative or expository text 2) Find most important details illustrated narrative or expository text read aloud 3) Use context clues from text read orally to make inferences about people or situations (e.g. what a character is doing, what season it is, etc.) 1) Interpret information from oral reading of narrative or expository text 2) Identify main idea and details from narrative or expository text read aloud 3) Use context clues from text read orally to infer about a character or problem 1) Apply ideas from oral discussions to new situations 2) Identify ideas/concepts expressed with grade- level content-specific vocabulary 3) Use context clues to gain meaning from grade- level text read orally Speaking 1) Put stories in the correct order using basic order words 2) Ask questions for social purposes 3) Participate in class discussions on familiar social and academic topics 1) Retell stories with emerging details. (right there info) 2) Ask questions for academic purposes when prompted about known topics 3) Discuss content-based topics in small groups 1) Discuss inferences and observations that require independent interpretation 2) Ask questions for academic purposes independently 3) Participate in basic group presentations about academic topics 1) Express and support ideas with examples, using appropriate transitional words or phrases 2) Initiate social and academic conversation using questions 3) Give oral presentations on content-based topics approaching grade level Reading 1) Put words in order to form sentences 2) Identify basic elements of fictional stories 3) Distinguish between general and specific language in context 1) Use picture cues, context and background knowledge to infer the meaning of unknown words 2) Discuss characters’ feelings and motivations to build deeper understanding of the plot 3) Use context to determine the meaning of specific academic vocabulary 1) Use word attack strategies to decode multi-syllabic words 2) Match figurative language to illustrations 3) Begin using nonfiction text features to determine meaning of academic vocabulary 1) Independently use a variety of word attack and comprehension strategies to build meaning with little picture support 2) Apply knowledge of figurative language to help infer meaning 3) Recognize when meaning has been impaired and reread for comprehension Writing 1) Use a familiar graphic organizer to plan and write to a prompt 2) Retell simple stories in writing with picture support and sequential words from a word bank 3) Produce original sentences 1) Write to respond to content related topics 2) Compose stories using specific mentor texts with support 3) Write related original sentences for social purposes and familiar academic subjects 1) Write responses using content specific vocabulary 2) Compose stories and expository pieces using specific mentor texts 3) Write related sentences to respond to a prompt about social topics 1) Explain processes or procedures usings connected sentences with support 2) Recount events in a sequence using appropriate transitional phrases. 3) Write related sentences to respond to a prompt about a variety of social or academic topics
ESOL Grades 1-2 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 5 Quarter 1 (Lv. 5.2)Quarter 2 (Lv. 5.4)Quarter 3 (Lv. 5.6)Quarter 4 (Lv. 5.8) Listening 1) Identify ideas/concepts expressed with academic language 2) Identify important ideas from oral discussions 3) Interpret information from narrative or expository text with support 1) Use context clues to gain meaning from grade- level text read orally 2) Apply ideas from oral discussions to new situations 3) Interpret information from narrative and expository text read orally 1) Identify and explain how specific context clues lead to understanding 2) Evaluate and synthesize multiple ideas from oral discussions 3) Interpret and apply information from narrative and expository text read orally 1) Justify the use of context clues for developing new understanding 2) Evaluate and synthesize multiple ideas from oral discussions and apply them successfully to new situations 3) Interpret and apply information from narrative and expository text read orally commensurate with grade level peers Speaking 1) Express and support ideas with examples, using appropriate transitional words or phrases 2) Initiate social and academic conversations with peers and adults 3) Give oral presentations on content-based topics approaching grade level 1) Express complete complex ideas using appropriate clauses and prepositional phrases 2) Retell information shared by others 3) Participate in creative dramatics 1) Use correct verb tenses in oral communication 2) Begin to ask for clarification and explanation of words and ideas 3) Participate in a variety of oral language activities, including choral speaking and reciting short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns. 1) Use increasingly complex sentence structures in oral communication 2) Participate as a contributor and leader in a group 3) Use oral language for different purposes: to inform, to persuade, to entertain, to clarify, and to respond. Reading 1) Independently use a variety of word attack and comprehension strategies to build meaning with little picture support 2) Apply knowledge of figurative language to help infer meaning 3) Recognize when meaning has been impaired and reread for comprehension 1) Make text-to-self, text- to-text, and text-to-world connections with prompting 2) Use knowledge of sentence structure and story structure to build comprehension 3) Preview the selection using text features to make predictions about the main idea. 1) Make text-to-self, text- to-text, and text-to-world connections with independently 2) Use knowledge of homophones, prefixes & suffixes, antonyms & synonyms to infer meaning 3) Ask and answer questions about what is read. 1) Read and reread familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression. 2) Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a variety of texts. 3) Locate information to confirm predictions and answer questions. Writing 1) Explain processes or procedures usings connected sentences with support 2) Recount events in a sequence using appropriate transitional phrases. 3) Write related sentences to respond to a prompt about a variety of social or academic topics 1) Explain processes or procedures using connected sentences independently 2) Create journal entries with newly acquired content specific academic vocabulary 3) Write cohesive sentences to respond to a variety of social or academic prompts 1) Explain processes or procedures using connected sentences and revise for clarity 2) Create journal entries with grade level content specific vocabulary 3) Write cohesive sentences demonstrating voice to respond to a variety of social or academic prompts Write in grade level writing SOL