Annual Median Gross Pay Coventry working age residents by protected characteristics Data source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings and Annual Population Survey Office of National Statistics
Annual median gross pay – Year on year dataAnnual median gross pay – Percentage difference over time
Take me home What is this telling me? Annual median gross pay for males between 2008 and 2011 is consistently higher than for females. Take me back to the data
Take me home What is this telling me? Between 2008 and 2011, annual median gross pay for all workers resident in Coventry has increased by 8%. Looking at the difference between male and female workers, women have seen an 11% increase in annual median gross pay compared to just 0.3% increase for men. Overall, annual median gross pay for Coventry people working full time has increased by 10% between 2008 and Females in full time employment have benefitted the most, seeing an increase of 12% in their annual median gross pay while males working full time saw no increase (annual median gross pay for men £10 less in 2012 than 2008). Annual median gross pay for part-time workers has increased by 2.2% overall between 2008 and Looking at the gender breakdown for part-time pay, females saw little change (just 0.1% increase) and data for male part-time workers has been suppressed as it statistically unreliable due to small numbers in the survey sample. Take me back to the data
Take me home What is this telling me? In 2011 the annual median gross pay for male workers in Coventry was £9,270 more than for females. This gender gap persists even if part-time workers (predominantly female) are taken out of the equation and only those in full-time employment are considered; annual gross pay for men working full time was £5,420 more than that for women working full-time in Take me back to the data