Roll Out Plan/ Reward Mechanism Roll Out Plan/ Reward Mechanism / Jawed Ali Khan, Director General (Environment) Ministry of Environment Government of Pakistan Ministry of Environment
The Model is not the issue! The issue is not one of trying to define the right model but rather one of striking the right balance of institutions that will then determine the right models in the right circumstances to address their particular rural and urban sanitation challenges
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT Translating Policy into Action Sustainable Sanitation Approaches 1.Build on what exists 2.Promote the role of RSPs/ NGOs/ CBOs in enhancing sanitation coverage 3.Scaling up the component sharing/ CLTS/ SLTS approaches to achieve total sanitation 4.Scaling up social mobilization and institutionalizing it in the local government plans 5.Support Provincial Sanitation Strategies to then leverage the Tehsil/ Town Implementation Plans 6.Link Federal Funding to the outcomes of the provincial sanitation strategies 7.Launch a “Performance Based” award for the provinces 8.Launch an IEC Campaign to create sanitation demand 9.Development of backup services at the community level
National Sanitation Policy, 2006 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT The Policy advocates for the following: Role Separation: –Provinces to support implementation (HR, finances, setting standards, monitoring etc) while LGs (TMAs) lead implementation. –Federal Government to link federal funding to the outcomes of the provincial sanitation strategies Outcomes focused: –Open Defecation Free Environment (ODF) Rewards for outcomes: –ODF Unions/TMAs (Insani Fuzlai sai pak unions) –Liter Free Unions (Kora Kriket sai pak unions) –Foul Water Free Unions (Joharoon sai pak unions) –Cleanest union (Sab sai saaf union)
Outcomes - the drivers of the Policy 1. ODF Jurisdictions Excreta free open fields Excreta free open drains / nullas/ sewage discharges Excreta free hands Systems in place for maintaining this status! 2. Litter Free Jurisdictions Nil indiscriminate disposal of household, animal, municipal, agricultural & industrial solid wastes waste Safe & sustainable systems for collection, transportation and disposal Systems in place for maintaining this status! 3. Foul Water Free Jurisdictions Free of indiscriminate household/ industrial / agricultural run-off and stagnant water bodies Universal safe water handling in the home Systems in place for maintaining 4. Cleanest Union Councils Unions that excel in the delivery of sanitary outcomes in their constituency MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT
Performance Criteria Outcome Based The number of ‘defecation free’ Union Councils in each Province The number of ‘litter free’ Union Councils in each Province The number of ‘foul water free’ Union Councils in each Province The identification of the Cleanest Unions in each Province Process Based The introduction of a system of performance grants for rewarding local governments that deliver improved sanitary outcomes. The establishment of an M&E system to generate information on sanitation progress. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT
Funding Strategy MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT 1.Matching Grants Creation of Assets External Components for “Component Sharing” 2.Knowledge Activities IEC: raising awareness of sanitation amongst the key stakeholders/ mass media HRD: developing regulatory sanitation rules, guidance manuals & trainings to build capacity M&E: identifying critical sanitation service delivery indicators and systems for data management (MIS) Studies & Documentation: assessing & documenting sanitary status, progress and ‘best practice’ procedures 3.Reward Funding Transfers to provinces on the achievement of sanitary outcomes
Reward Mechanism for the Provinces Outcome based disbursement to Provinces (Federal Gov’t to share 80 % of the reward amount) Cleanest Union Council Competition funded by the Federal Gov’t MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT 1. “Open Defecation Free” UnionRs 5 Lakh 2. “Litter Free” UnionRs 10 Lakh 3. “Foul Water Free” UnionRs 10 lakh 4. “Cleanest” Union1 st = Rs100 Lakh 2 nd = Rs 50 Lakh 3 rd = Rs 25 Lakh
Policy roll-out – Key Features Umbrella PC-1 on “Integrated Water, Sanitation & Hygiene” under preparation to be re- named as “SAAF SUTHRA PAKISTAN PROGRAM” Phased Approach Creation of Demand through Communication & Capacity Development Units in each province (IEC, Baseline Surveys, Orientations & trainings, national communications strategy, media campaign) Surveys/ mapping for Component Sharing in selected TMAs Setting up of Provincial Social Mobilization Units to scale up community and school led approaches Setting up of Rural Sanitation Marts in selected Tehsils Provision for revolving funds/ micro-financing Special considerations for poorest of the poor Coverage enhancement of public/ Communal toilets NGOs involvement to develop / test / document / replicate successful models for Total Sanitation, Solid and Liquid waste management Federal Govt to provide Rs 2.5 Billion/ Year (i.e. Rs 12.5 Billion) as: 50 % assets matching grant 80 % performance grant 60 % sanitation sector grant (IEC, HRD, M&E, Studies/ Documentations) MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT
PACOSAN TARGET-100 % Sanitation Coverage by 2015 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT 100%
Key Recommendations of the Conference Key Recommendations of the Conference Jawed Ali Khan, Director General (Environment) Ministry of Environment Government of Pakistan Ministry of Environment
National Sanitation Action Plan (N-SAP): Guiding Principles –“Open defecation” is unacceptable –Inclusive participatory development –“Total Sanitation Concept” is adapted –Improved Sanitation is to be provided to All –Focus should be on productive infrastructure only –No one is exposed to the risks of unconfined “Human Excreta” & Solid Wastes –Progress is be accelerated to achieve health benefits –Efforts are to be coordinated within a framework of mutual accountability –Governance is improved –Collective outcomes” are be rewarded –Incentives are necessary to produce the performance information –“IEC” is to be supported for collective behavior change
Key Actors Federal Government Provincial/ AJK/NA/FATA Governments Local Governments Political Leaders Sector Professionals Civil society organizations Community groups External support agencies Service providers Other stakeholders to carry out situation analysis for planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation at different levels (National/ Provincial/ District/ City/ local government etc)
Sector Components for N-SAP Commitment & Leadership Enabling Policies Effective & Accountable Institutions Effective Options Sanitation Sector Financing Sector Coordination Monitoring & sustaining change
TAHAFUZ Package for IDPs Ministry of Environment Government of Pakistan Ministry of Environment
TAHAFUZ PACKAGE I. WATER SUPPLY a) Bore well (1 per 100 families) b) Water Cooler (1 per family) c) Jerry Can – 20 Liters (1 per family) d) Bucket & Mug (1 per family) e) Water Testing (10 samples per bore well) II. LAUNDRY, BATHING & TOILET FACILITY a) Washing pad with water disposal (1 per family) b) Bathing facility (1 per 40 persons) c) Toilet facility (1 per 20 persons) d) Soap (2 per family)
TAHAFUZ PACKAGE III. SOLID WASTE a) Dust bins (2 per family – 1 for organic and 1 for inorganic) b) Pits for solid waste (2 per 100 families – 1 for organic and 1 for inorganic waste) IV. HEALTH & HYGIENE a) Hygiene Promoters (1 man and 1 woman per 125 families for 2 months initially) b) Awareness raising sessions with women, men and children on: a. Water purification & storage b. Hand washing c. Personal hygiene d. Use and maintenance of latrine e. Management of solid waste
Task Force A Task Force of partner organizations (WSP, UNICEF, RSPN, Plan Int'l & Wateraid) was formed by the Ministry on May 13th Task Force requested to prepare a package for approx 5000 IDPs.