Beowulf By: Rebecca Birch
How do we define the personality traits of a hero? A hero should have personality traits such as courageous, selfless, bold, confident, humble, outgoing, wise, and intelligent. They should have these personality traits because in order to be a hero I believe you should obtain these characteristics ("Beowulf Summary.“)
How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? Setting, conflicts, and antagonist influence the development of literary heroes, because without conflicts and a "bad guy" also known as an antagonist, what would a hero be needed for? The setting definitely effects the hero because the time place and environment have a big part of a heroes existence ("Beowulf: a graphic novel”)
How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? A hero can reflect his/her particular culture and society in many different ways depending on their circumstance and the hero themselves. For example, they could rebel against their society for what's right in their eyes. Or they could do what their society agrees with always (“Resources for the Study of Beowulf | Greene Hamlet.“)
How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area? Different time periods have different resources for heroes to use. So, if it was before technology was as advanced as it is today, they couldn't use any of the resources available now. They would have to use more basic things to be heroic, in my opinion ("Beowulf Summary.“)
How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes? Different cultures reward heroes in different ways, depending on the culture and the lifestyle. For example, those who's hero is God, people pray to him and try to be the best they can for their God. That's how they reward their hero (Snell)
How does Beowulf being a hero tie into today's everyday struggles? Beowulf being a hero can relate to today’s struggles in many ways. Such as, those with drug addictions. Beowulf had to slay the dragon and many people today have "dragons" in their life in which they have to slay or kill. Those with drug addictions have to kill their addiction, by eliminating drugs out of their life ("Journey of Recovery - Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Stories.“)
Would you look at Beowulf as a hero, or a role model? I guess I would look at him as both. He's definitely someone to look up to as a role model, but at the same time he’s quite heroic. Beowulf has the qualities of both a hero and a role model.
Did Beowulf use his fame and popularity for the glory, or to actually help people? I believe Beowulf did use his popularity to his advantage, because glory was very important to him as well as everyone else, so he was very determined to reach his goals. But he also did do everything in his power to help others, which makes him a hero.
Would you consider Beowulf's style of fighting fair? Why or why not? I absolutely consider Beowulf’s fighting style fair. For example, if he’s fighting someone who is naked, he will undress himself as well so it’s fair. (“Beowulf Summary.”)
Could Beowulf's quest to become king relate to someone with a drug addiction trying to become sober? I definitely think Beowulf’s quest to become king could relate to one with a drug addiction trying to become sober. I think this because the journey Beowulf took for glory was full of obstacles and was quite difficult, as well is the journey one takes to recovery (“Journey”)
"Addiction Recovery Guide : Your Internet Guide to Recovery." Addiction Recovery Guide : Your Internet Guide to Recovery. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan "Addictions and - Relapse Prevention and Coping Skills." Addictions and - Relapse Prevention and Coping Skills. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan Audience. "Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction | InfoFacts | National Institute on Drug Abuse." Home | National Institute on Drug Abuse. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan "Beowulf Summary." Shmoop: Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan "Beowulf: a graphic novel -- at" - Index. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan "Journey of Recovery - Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Stories." Journey of Recovery. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan "Resources for the Study of Beowulf | Greene Hamlet." Greene Hamlet. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan Snell,  Melissa. "Beowulf - What You Need to Know about the Epic Poem Beowulf." Medieval History - Life in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan "Substance Abuse, Alcoholism, Addiction and Recovery Stories." Alcoholism Drug Abuse Addiction Codependency Recovery. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan accounts, all, “Josh†was the ideal teenaged son. He was an athlete, got good grades, father never saw the problem coming, being solid, middle class, and suburban professionals. "Drug Addiction Stories." Drug Addiction -- Moving Into Recovery. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan