SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London By Patrick Gorringe EuroGOOS/SEPRISE Operation of regional ocean monitoring systems in Europe.


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Presentation transcript:

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London By Patrick Gorringe EuroGOOS/SEPRISE Operation of regional ocean monitoring systems in Europe

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London An association of agencies founded in 1994 to promote and coordinate the European part of GOOS (Global Ocean Observing System), and a system for operational oceanography in Europe EuroGOOS now has 33 members in 17 countries Almost all coastal European countries and operational institutes are engaged through sub-regional operational oceanographic systems BOOS, NOOS, IBIROOS, MOON and close cooperation with Black Sea GOOS and MedGOOS EuroGOOS

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London Detailed structure of EuroGOOS General Members Meeting Elected Board Executive DirectorOffice Working Groups Task Teams European Regional Systems BOOS IBIROOS MOON NOOS Science Technology Data exchange Products MoUs Black Sea GOOS MedGOOS Arctic GOOS

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London Promote Operational Oceanography Find ways to improve the members capability to carry out their duties Foster a sustained production of required services at scales larger than national Find the most efficient use of members available resources Promote the funding of research and development Foster cooperation Give advice and submit joint position papers To coordinate with the global systems Sharing and learning from best practices, e.g. through conferences, publications, workshops,… SEPRISE is one instrument to achieve this EuroGOOS Objectives

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London EuroGOOS is working at a “political” scale The members constitute EuroGOOS EuroGOOS is the sum of the members capabilities EuroGOOS is not a project, operational unit, or service provider EuroGOOS is a catalyst, organiser and promoter EuroGOOS

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London Coordination EuroGOOS chose very early a user-driven bottom-up approach where the regional scale was the most appropriate scale for cooperation and co-production. EuroGOOS Regional Task Teams have built and continue to build Regional Operational Systems. EuroGOOS Main achievements

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London EuroGOOS Regional task teams NOOS BOOS IBI-ROOS MOON Black Sea GOOS

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London

European real time data exchange National dataprovider Specialised centres (ESEAS, MedGLOSS) Regional centre European Centre Global Centre National dataprovider Global Centre

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London The SEPRISE project is coordinated by the EuroGOOS office Sponsored by the European Commission

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London Main questions: What do we have? Observation networks, products and services What more do we need? How can we satisfy the marine industry? How can we use deliveries from European research projects? How do we organise a sustained production? Demonstration, do we have the capability of cooperation (real-time data exchange)? SEPRISE Project

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London What observations do we have?

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London SEPRISE Demonstration To demonstrate the European capacity in operational oceanography To demonstrate the ability to collaborate between oceanographers across Europe We collect real time data (sea level, waves, currents, SST, SSS and wind) and model forecasts that are exchanged hourly from all over Europe and visualize it on the SEPRISE demonstration web site

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London SEPRISE Demonstration

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London Number of stations in the demo system (so far): 338 Producing 631 time-series 461 of these are freely available (will be released on ftp shortly) ~ 80% of these time-series have corresponding model output Remote sensing SST added shortly SEPRISE Demonstration

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London SEPRISE Demonstration Does it work?

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London SEPRISE Demonstration

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London SEPRISE Demonstration

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London European/Global scale from Coriolis (daily/weekly updates)

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London SEPRISE Demonstration Contributors: Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, IOI-Malta Operational Centre, University of Malta, Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Observing System (CYCOFOS), Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Puertos del Estado, Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine, Administratie Waterwegen en Zeewezen, The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography, German Federal Institute of Hydrology, Centro Previsioni e Segnalazioni Maree, Comune di Venzia, Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR), Norwegian Mapping Authority, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Rijkswaterstaat, National institute for coastal and marine management, Ifremer, Meteo-France, Marine Institute, MeteoGalicia, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, Danish Meteorological Institute, Flemish Authorities - MD&K Coastal Division, Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorolologisch Instituut, Met Office, UK, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models, Belgian Royal Institute of Natural Sciences, National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management, Marine Systems Institute, Finnish Institute of Marine Research, Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemünde, Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency, Lithuanian Center of Marine Research, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Maritime Branch, Maritime Institute in Gdansk, St. Petersburg Center of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London SEPRISE Web site: User:sepdemo Password:EG2006

SIMORC Workshop, 28th March 2007, London

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