Israeli and international Environmental databases ISA-MEIDA DARECLIMED, LINKSCEEM Amnon Stupp IAAR2013 Diaspora Museum Tel-Aviv University
Israel Space Agency - Middle East Interactive Data Archive Head : Prof. Pinhas Alpert Scientific Manager : Dr. Amnon Stupp
ISA-MEIDA was a joint project of the Israel Space Agency with NASA ISA-MEIDA was a Node in the global Earth Observing Science Data and Information System (EOSDIS) set up by NASA The Node was established in april 1999 and declared operative by NASA on april 2000 With lack of funding operations had to be reduced over the years. In Israel 90% of the data collected for Earth System research is lost. The Israeli NASA Node is the only organization in Israel committed to saving and preserving Earth System Data.
Services Archive for Israeli environmental data (15 TB available, 5 TB in use) Archive of weather and dust forecasts from TAU Archiving Israeli Astronaut project MEIDEX data Metadata for environmental organizations and sources for environment and climate change data Access through internet to data at the center Support Israeli representation in GEOSS Help scientists in locating data ISA-MEIDA will archive any Israel-based data for the environment and Earth sciences.
Dust Loading Forecast Weather Forecast
National data in Israel No data or even meta-data on IMS site until about 3 year ago. New policy – all data available via ftp. Implemented this year. Hebrew only. Data was always available, for pay, on request. You had to know what to ask for. Usually in Hebrew. Example : Israel Meteorological Service
National data in Israel Other Israeli organizations Several other government organizations with Climate, Water, Geophysical data Hydrological Service, Ministry of Environment, Geophysical Institute of Israel (earthquake catalogue, radon), Survey of Israel (GPS stations), Israel Electric Company (lightning, pollution). Some private organizations such as MeteoTech, Dead Sea Works. The IMS was the most open organization. The Hydrological Service refused to give data. This has changed in the past 2 years. Detailed hydrological data is still not freely/openly available.
Founded at the end of the year The first and only multidisciplinary graduate school dedicated to environmental studies in Israel. Integrates research with policy and community projects. Works with all sectors : government, business, NGOs, in Israel and abroad. Independent of the various faculties of the university and works in collaboration with each faculty to deliver environmental teaching and research. Offers degrees in Environmental Studies at PhD and Master's level, as well as environmental courses for undergraduate students.