By: Geeva Gopalkrishnan and James Gadea Israeli Diplomatic Relations and Arab Fund Disbursements:
Research Question What role do Israeli diplomatic relations have on foreign aid disbursement by the Arab Fund to Arab League members ?
Hypothesis The Arab Fund provides more aid to Arab League countries that have diplomatic relationships with Israel.
Literature Review Arab countries give aid for economic development and political reasons. Saudi Arabia gave aid during Cold War to counter socialist movements. (Momani & Ennis)
Literature Review (Neumayer 2003) Greater Arab population, more Arab aid Poorer Arab country, more Arab aid No relationship with Israel, more Arab aid
Anwar Sadat
Case Study
Theory Arab States use the Arab Fund for Political Gain
Theory Secret Promotion of Security Secret Promotion of Security Economic Engagement Economic Engagement
Arab Solidarity Economic Engagement instead of punishing Theory
Arab Fund favors members who have relations with Israel Publicly denounce Israel Promote security Security benefits of encouraging diplomacy
Essentially… It’s politics, baby.
Methodology Aid Disbursements by Arab Fund Diplomatic Relations with Israel GDP/capitaPopulation African Country WarPariah Dependent Variable: Independent Variable: (Dichotomous) Control Variables: US Ally British Colonial Legacy
* denotes significance at the |P|<.1 level; ** denotes significance at the |P|<.05 level; *** denotes significance at the |P|<.01 level
No evidence that the members of the Arab League punish the establishment of diplomatic relationships with Israel through the Arab Fund. In fact, we find significant evidence that points to the contrary. Conclusion