In The Name Of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Gracious, the most Merciful!
Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "Jannat lies under the feet of your mother.“
Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "If you read the kalima with conviction just once, Jannah becomes upon you."
Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "A women who reveals her body or even wears tight fitting clothes wont come within 500 years of the smell of Jannah.“
Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "The dust which settles on a man while he is out in the path of Allah; not only the fire, but the smoke of Jahannam is haraam for those parts of the body.“
Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "I only curse 3 types of people;
Those people who do not look after their parents when they are in old age.
2. Those people who do not take full advantage of the blessed month of Ramadan.
3. Those people who do not say, 'Salallahu -Alayhay- Wa-Aalahay Wasallam' when my name is mentioned.“
Rasulullah S.A.W said, "An intelligent person is one who is constantly thinking about and preparing for death.“
Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "It is better for a man that a steel nail be driven through the centre of his head rather than if he touches the palm of a strange women.“
One day during Jummah Salah, a 1,000 member congregation was surprised to see two men enter, both covered from head to toe in black and carrying sub-machine guns.
One of the men proclaimed,
"Anyone willing to take a bullet for Allah remain where you are.“
Immediately, the congregation fled, and out of the 1,000 there only remained around 20.
The man who had spoken took off his hood, looked at the Imaam and said,
"Okay Maulana, I got rid of all the hypocrites "Okay Maulana, I got rid of all the hypocrites. Now you may begin your sermon.“
The two men then turned and walked out.“
"Funny how simple it is for people to trash Allah "Funny how simple it is for people to trash Allah ... and then wonder why the world's going to hell.“
"Funny how we believe what the newspapers say "Funny how we believe what the newspapers say ... but question what the Qu'ran says.“
"Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven "Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven ... provided they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Quran says.“
"Funny how someone can say 'I believe in Allah' "Funny how someone can say 'I believe in Allah' ... but still follow Shaitaan (who, by the way, also 'believes' in Allah).“
"Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire ... but when you start sending messages regarding Allah, people think twice about sharing.“
"Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyberspace ... but the public discussion of Allah is suppressed in the school and workplace.“
Funny, isn't it?
"Funny how someone can be so fired up for Allah on Friday "Funny how someone can be so fired up for Allah on Friday ... but be an invisible Muslim the rest of the week.“
Are you laughing?
"Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me "Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me ... than what Allah thinks of me.“
Are you thinking?
In The Name Of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Gracious, the most Merciful!
Reliquary containing the tooth of Prophet Muhammad (Dendan-i Saadet).
Lock of Kaaba
The footprint of the Prophet Muhammad
Some hairs from the beard of the Prophet Muhammad (Lihye-i Saadet).
Swords belonging to the Prophet Muhammad.
Letter of the Prophet Muhammad (Name-i Saadet)
The Golden gate of Prophet Muhammad's tomb.
ALLAHU AKBAR Allah is great
Allah said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you.“
"Yes, I love Allah. Allah is my fountain of Life and My Savior "Yes, I love Allah. Allah is my fountain of Life and My Savior. Allah keeps me going day and night. Without Allah, I am no one. But with Allah, I can do everything. Allah is my strength.“
May ALLAH bless us All – Ameen -