Round Table 7 The capacity of corporations and the public sector to implement decisive actions in order to substantially improve work-related road safety
The road safety crisis 1.3 million deaths annually ≈ 30% of these are work-related ≈ 50 million injuries and disabilities Social cost enormous Costs governments up to 5% GDP Predicted to rise from 9 th to 5 th leading cause of death by 2030 if nothing is done RANK DISEASE 1 Ischaemic heart disease 2 Cerebrovascular disease 3Emphysema 4 Lower respiratory Infection 5Road traffic injuries 6Lung cancers 7Diabetes mellitus 8 Hyptertensive heart disease 9Stomach cancer 10HIV/AIDS
Decade of Action Declared by UN General Assembly on 2 March 2010 Tabled by Russia cosponsored by 100 countries passed unanimously 2011 – 2020 The goal to ‘stabilize and then reduce the level of road fatalities’ by This could avoid more than 5 million deaths a 50 million injuries saving $3 trillion.
Pillars of the Decade Road safety management Safer roads Safer vehicles Safer road users Improved post crash care International coordination
UN leads the way: Admin instruction Mandatory quick inspection before beginning a journey Prohibition of the use of mobile phones or any other electronic devices while driving vehicles Prohibition of smoking or eating while driving a vehicle Mandatory use of seat belts Mandatory use of safety helmets Prohibition of driving vehicles under the influence of substances Prohibition of inappropriate and excessive speed Possession of required driving licenses Issued on 19 May 2010 and applies to all UN staff operating UN vehicles
Private sector added value Key levers were identified for each "pillar" for decade 2020 – 2050 Priorities and targets were developed Goals: stabilize the number of WRRD by 2020 Reduce by 50% by 2030 Further 50% reduction by 2040 ZERO WRRD by 2050
Key activities Funding for international coordination Common "code of conduct" Journey planning including sustainable transportation options Adherence with harmonized vehicle standards Workforce abide by laws set & enforced in countries Monitoring and evaluation
Potential targets Road safety champions in 200 companies by 2020 and all “Fortune 500s” by 2050 Fleet safety management systems in organizations by 2020 and all by 2050 Safety is the key ingredient in all road design and network management All vehicle manufacturers apply harmonized global safety standards by companies with ISO39001 by 2020 and all by 2050 Post crash fatality rate ↓50% from 2011 by 2020
Thank you!