2000 – 2010 Israel Competitiveness 2000 – 2010 Israel 2021
competitive ranking has been decreasing constantly; What does it (really) mean? No such thing as “general Competitiveness” 12 distinct pillars comprised of Ranks in 90 Parameters: Israel - General Trend
Substance is in the “Little” Details..
Stages of Research STAGE 1: Israel over time 9 View Points Tracing main tendencies Strength & Weaknesses in 90 parameters STAGE 2: Israel v. 133 Economies Isolating 21 economies – Israel’s neighborhood Are there typical pillars of Strength or Weaknesses? STAGE 3: Comparing all findings with IMD reports
Israel - Main Findings Main reasons for deterioration are: – Governmental bureaucracy & unstable policy; – Market Dominance – Education System – Infrastructures; – police services. Main Strengths: – Innovation Scientific R&D, Patents, Capacity – Entrepreneurship – Technological readiness
Mapping Weaknesses
Mapping Strengths
Israel-Hungary: comparison between all 12 GCI pillars
Israel-New Zealand: comparison between all 12 GCI pillars
Israel-Austria: comparison between all 12 GCI pillars
What are the Deterioration Engines?
Institutions - Public sector: deterioration Factors Institutions - Public sector: deterioration Factors
Concentrations level
Infrastructure: D eterioration Factors
Deterioration in education components During Israel ranked as a leading country in Education paramaters As of 2004, Israel’s ranking severly deteriorating (see also PISA exams).
The Eminent Danger – Deterioration in Strength Engines
Innovation as a reflection of Israeli Education ( ) Borrowed time how long will it take for the deterioration in EDUCATION will be erase Israel’s competitive advantage in INNOVATION?
Conclusions for a New Beginning.. Israel has very definite “Power Engines” All of them rely heavily on Human Capital (Education) Israel Weakness are also concrete & Steady: – Outdated Public Sector – Concentration – Connecting Infrastructures (Ports & Roads)