ALLEA President Professor Jüri Engelbrecht Academies and Young Scientists: Towards a European Young Academy? EU Presidency Conference “Researcher in Europe without Borders” April 2009, Prague, Czech Republic
ALLEA represents 53 National Academies of Sciences and Humanities in 40 European countries According to an ALLEA survey conducted in early 2009 (to be published): most Member Academies offer specific support for early career scholars, such as: ◦ Research programme support (GEBIP: Turkish Academy of Sciences) ◦ Fellowships (e.g.: Royal Society) ◦ Doctoral scholarships(e.g.: Polish Academy of Sciences) ◦ Prizes (e.g.: Otto Wichterle Award of ASČR) ◦ Travel Grants (e.g.: Swiss Academies) ◦ Young Scientists’ Fora / Clubs (e.g.: Israel, Estonia, Finland) ◦ etc. very few offer a role in the science policy function of the Academy Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, April 2009, Prague Academies and Young Scientists
ALLEA aims at strengthening the role of young scientists in the development of a vision for the European Research Area Some Member Academies have established Young Academies: ◦ DE: BBAW / Leopoldina: Die Junge Akademie (2000) ◦ NL: KNAW: De Jonge Akademie (2005) ◦ AT: Austrian Academy of Sciences: Junge Kurie (2008) which offer an opportunity to: ◦ Enable interdisciplinary research ◦ Establish a network of future science leaders ◦ Encourage playing a role in science policy debates ◦ Embrace responsibility to support early enthusiasm for science Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, April 2009, Prague Academies and Young Scientists
ALLEA works towards a European Young Academy together with partners (e.g. ESF) Background: Increase in substandial funding for early career researchers in Europe (EURYI / Marie Curie / ERC Starting Grants) Few early career scholars in science policy bodies Better platforms for preparation of innovative interdisciplinary exchanges Better interaction needed for science & society interaction (incl.: science education!) Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, April 2009, Prague Academies and Young Scientists
Discussions Learn from successful national Young Academy models (ex.: DE, NL, AT) Learn from other young scholar networks (WAYS; Lindau; TWAS; IAP/WEF) Consult with ALLEA Member Academies (survey > report > debate) Consult with partners (ESF: cooperation between research councils and academies; EU; others) Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, April 2009, Prague Academies and Young Scientists
Next Steps London III/2009: Discussion between research councils and academies Vienna VI/2009: Brainstorming workshop with early career scientists selected competitively Europe-wide and with panel of national Young Academies Amsterdam XI/2009: ALLEA General Strategy Meeting (discuss report) Venue tbd 2010: World Panel on Young Academies Venue tbd, Summer 2011: Launch Conference Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, April 2009, Prague Academies and Young Scientists
Issues to be resolved: Degree of independence: supported by, but independent from mother academies Method of selection: self-rejuvenation?; representation?; scientific balance? Financial support: ◦ public/private mix needed ◦ basic support for activities; seed money; no grants Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, April 2009, Prague Academies and Young Scientists
Function of a European Young Academy Stimulate scientific dialogues; Contribute to science / society debates Voice of next generation of science leaders in Europe A way to move forward in ERA / EHEA for the next generation Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, April 2009, Prague Academies and Young Scientists
Worldwide Context National: e.g.: Sudanese Academy of Sciences International: “Annual Meeting of New Champions” Launched in Tianjin, China, Sept 2008 Supported by IAP and World Economic Forum ALLEA Predident chaired Programme Committee ca. 50 young scientists (recommendations worldwide) Two special sessions ◦ Managing Science for a better world ◦ The Role of Frontier Sciences in Shaping Society Next Meeting: Dalian,China, 9-12 Sept 2009 Proposals for participation expected from academies Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, April 2009, Prague Academies and Young Scientists
IAP/WEF joint initiative Tianjin Statement of Global Young Scientists: “Passion for Science, Passion for a Better World” Conclusion: “Making a better world needs better science – we young scientists are ready to contribute our share” Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, April 2009, Prague Academies and Young Scientists
More Information: ALLEA Secretariat P.O Box GC Amsterdam The Netherlands T: +31 (0) F: +31 (0) E: Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, April 2009, Prague Academies and Young Scientists