Highlights in Academic Affairs Dr. Joan L. Sattler Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.


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Presentation transcript:

Highlights in Academic Affairs Dr. Joan L. Sattler Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Strong relationships formed in College matter and contribute significantly to: Life-long well-being social personal community physical financial

GALLOP-PURDUE POLL 2014 “Great Jobs, Great Lives” 30,000 College Graduates 1. Cared about them as a person 2. Made them excited about learning 3. Served as a mentor, encouraging them to pursue their dreams Twice as likely to be engaged at work if they had a professor in College who:

GALLOP-PURDUE POLL 2014 “Great Jobs, Great Lives” Odds of thriving in all areas of well-being were: 4.6x higherif graduates were engaged at work 2.5x higherif they believed college prepared them well for life outside of college 2x higher if they were emotionally attached to their university 1.9x higher if they had all 3 dimensions of mentor relationships

GALLOP-PURDUE POLL 2014 “Great Jobs, Great Lives” Didn’t matter if you were from a prestigious, nationally known university or a regional university, public or private, on-line or residential.

GALLOP-PURDUE POLL 2014 “Great Jobs, Great Lives” KEY  Community spirit, engagement, and belonging  Higher admissions and matriculation rates  Improved quality of life after college Personal Relationships in college matter and lead to: Universities should examine, cultivate and develop high impact educational practices.

HIGH IMPACT PRACTICES Experiential Learning (Practica, internships, research and creative projects) Study Abroad Senior Capstone Experience First Year Experiences Service Learning Learning Communities Co-Curricular Activities

Change in Higher Education Today Cost Flipped Classrooms Debt Load Social Media Placement Rates Enrollment PartnershipsFinances Different Delivery Systems Instructional Technology

21 ST CENTURY LEARNING COMPETENCIES “We are responsible for preparing our students to address problems we cannot foresee with knowledge that has not yet been developed using technology not yet invented.” Unknown “The problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which we created them”. Albert Einstein


New Bradley Core Curriculum Senate approval Spring 2015; full community participation Distinctive Features: Global Perspective Multidisciplinary Integration 2 Writing Intensive courses 2 Recommended integrated learning experiences Aligned with 21 st century learning competencies and needs Launch Date – Fall 2016

New Bradley Core Curriculum Fall Forum, August 24 th Develop courses for BCC Join BCC learning community with CTEL Workshops Core Curriculum Committee of Senate How can I participate? Dr. Kelly McConnaughay Jenny Gruening Burge

Distance Education Programs HLC Approval – May 2015 Total on-line programs DNP – Bradley’s 2 nd doctorate Partnership with Pearson Embanet 2 years in development Graduate Nursing Programs Marketing & Recruitment – March st Cohort – August 24, students enrolled to date Enroll 3 cohorts per year Graduate Counseling Programs Marketing & Recruitment – August st Cohort – January 2016 Enroll 3 cohorts per year

Distance Education Programs Explore with your Dean & Department faculty future on-line or hybrid programs in your disciplines Fall Forum, August 24 th Workshops How can I participate?

International Student Recruitment Diversifying the campus population and increasing international undergraduate and graduate students Over 400 international graduate students today Many are from India, China, the Middle East, as well as countries around the globe Partnership with ICC for English language training

International Student Recruitment Welcome these students on campus Reveal faculty & staff connections you might have with other universities abroad to assist recruiting How can I participate? Dr. Jeff Bakken

Study Abroad Offerings Regular semester, interims, summer sessions Students & faculty travel to all parts of the world, e.g. U.K.MexicoIreland ChinaCosta RicaIndia IsraelFranceAustralia Affiliated programs at Universities around the globe Fulbright study opportunities for faculty and students

Study Abroad Offerings Discuss with your Deans and Department faculty Contact your College’s Global Scholars Program Coordinator How can I participate? Dr. Christine Blouch, Director, International Programs Dr. Tim Conley, Chair, Fulbright Advisory Committee

FACULTY AND STAFF SUPPORT SERVICES CTEL – Dr. Jana Hunzicker Fall Forum Workshops Plagiarism Awareness Quiz New Faculty Mentorship IDLT – Barbara Kerns Sakai Workshops Instructional Design New Technology System (You See U)

FACULTY AND STAFF SUPPORT SERVICES Strategic Visioning Committee (formerly Teaching Technology Task Force) Barb Kerns & Dr. Dean Cantu, co-chairs Drafting processes now to advise units in pursuing online programs, hybrid programs, and technology enhanced teaching

FACULTY AND STAFF SUPPORT SERVICES OSP – Sandra Shumaker & Dr. Jeff Bakken Internal Grant Programs Grant Seeking Resources Workshops Website CEPD – Janet Lange Activities connecting the university with the community OLLI Conference Services


“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Alan Kay Change

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