1 Urbanized Area Boundaries: A Transportation Perspective and Introduction (June 11, 2010) Ed Christopher Resource Center Planning Team Federal Highway Administration 4749 Lincoln Mall Dr. Rm 600 Matteson, IL Topics Urban Areas MSAs PUMAs TAZs
2 Where are we with Urbanized Areas? Getting Closer Census Completed 2. Criteria Finalized 3. Census Bureau does it 72% households mailed back forms 77% of 47 Million NRFU households visited
3 Where are we with Urbanized Areas?
4 Urban Areas Urbanized Areas (50,000+) circa 1950 Urban Clusters (2,500 to 49,999) circa 2000 Some Background
5 Urban Areas (2000) Composed of CORE census block groups or blocks that have a population density of at least 1,000 people/square mile and the surrounding census blocks that have an overall density of at least 500 people/square mile. Generalized Definition Source: Census 2000
6 Transportation Perspective (Census Defined) Urbanized Area (UZA) Federal-Aid (Adjusted) Urban[ized] Area (FAUA) Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) Non-Attainment Area
7 Don’t Let Names Confuse You Federal-Aid (Adjusted) Urban[ized] Area (FAUA) Urban Area Boundary (UAB) Adjusted Urbanized Area (AUZA)
8 Boundaries - the Important thing (Census Defined) Urbanized Area (UZA) - Population + $$$ Adjusted Urbanized Area (AUZA) - Functional Class Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) - MPO Jurisdiction Non-Attainment Area
9 Why is the UA so Important? Census Defined Urbanized Area (UA) - Population + $$$ Sets Population count for Money to Identify MPOs / TMA What’s in – what’s not, but could be...
10 Why is the AUZA so Important? Adjusted Urbanized Area (UZA) - Functional Class FEDERALY -- It’s Not so important, But it Was at one time S peed Limits Road Funding Data Reporting Functional Class Billboard Control ??? For States and MPOs it’s a whole Different Story
11 Why is the MPA so Important? Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) - MPO Jurisdiction Sets MPO Area of Responsibility ~ for Planning ~ for Programming ~ Overall Governance
12 Some Implications for Transportation New / Retired MPOs New / Retired TMAs Expanded MPOs & TMA Changed Roadway Classifications Data Reporting and reports Funding and Financial Issues Outdoor Advertising Hinges on Transportation Bill
13 100K - Threshold Grandfathering 200K - Project Selection Authority 1 Million+ Special Funding and Requirements NARC - Status Quo AASHTO - Somewhat Vague FHWA - Internal House - T+I Committee, HR ____ Senate - What’s an MPO? A TMA?
14 Timing 2009 SAFETEA-LU expired ???? New Bill Expected (2011) 2010 Fed Register-Comments on UA criteria 2011 UAs Defined (Springtime) 2012 UAs Out (Springtime)
15 Metropolitan Statistical Areas Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas, Metropolitan Divisions, Combined Statistical Areas When will new MSA be defined?
16 Two Planning Related Geographies PUMAs TAZs / TADs
17 PUMAs? -- What are they? PUMAs are the zones used for PUMS data Public Use Microdata Sample PUMS data is based on individual census records and is available only at large geographic areas. Think of the PUMS dataset as the raw, disaggregate census sample data, at a large enough geographic level necessary to protect the confidentiality of the census respondent. ACS Sample Standard Tabs PUMS Records
18 Why are PUMAs Important? Normal ACS Annual Data ● Annual Data ● 65K+ ● Note the areas in gray ● We call this Swiss Cheese NE Illinois (2008 pop estimate) Chicago
19 Why are PUMAs Important? NE Illinois (PUMAs) PUMAs are a Tabulation Area for Annual ACS Data ● Represent 100K ● Complete Coverage ● Smaller than Counties ● NO Swiss Cheese
20 How many PUMAs should this area have? City of Chicago 2000 PUMAs 2,896,016 (2000 Pop) Why are PUMAs Important? - Defines areas for analysis - Tabulation Area for ACS Who Defines Them? - The Community - Led by State Data Center When are They Defined? - S ummer Criteria out Spring 2010???
What is the CTPP? CTPP is an umbrella program of data products, custom tabulations, training, technical assistance, and research for the transportation community. CTPP uses data from U.S. Census Bureau, including American Community Survey (ACS). Census Transportation Planning Products
All States + DC AASHTO Led Oversight Board Supported ~2012 CTPP Program Federal Technical Advisory Group TRB Subcommittee -- List Serve (830 strong) Quarterly Newsletter -- Outreach Several Websites (listed at end of presentation) Acquire Data and Develop Products 63% Research, Training and Outreach 21% Manage Program 3% Board Discretion 12% TOTAL$5,844,332
23 Where this Webinar will be posted
24 Data Products Uses ACS Compares to 2000 Focused on Transportation Includes Significance Tests 3-Year Data Profiles
25 Coming in September CTPP 3-Year Main Product September , 2007, ,000 Pop. Areas (County, Place, PUMAs) Actual Flows /
26 The 3-year Product Design 2000 Geography MSA – EACH Principal City Metropolitan Statistical Area State-POW PUMA State-PUMA State-Place State-County-MCD State-County Nation (US Total) Product Structure 3-Parts Part 1- Place of Residence Part 2- Place of Work Part 3- Flows between Home and Work with On-Line (Extraction) Query Software State
27 CTPP 5-year data product CTPP 5-Year Main Product Fall , 07, 08, 09, 2010 Small Areas (Tract, TAZ, Block Group) New TAZs Synthetic Data and Flows
28 “NEW” TAZs Traffic Analysis Zones Developed in Summer 2011 TAZs will nest with TADs GIS equivalency process Funded under Consolidated Purchase FHWA is contacting state DOTs to set up contacts TAZ Traffic Analysis Zone Traditional Size TAD Traffic Analysis District 20,000 population
29 To Learn more about the CTPP Webinar Friday, June 18 th CTPP for Beginners Look for recording To join CTPP List Serve
30 Now, Let’s find out about Urban Areas How will the Census Bureau be making our Urban, Urbanized and Urban Cluster Areas? Next up is Mike Ratcliffe to tell us