Industry Roundtable Republic of Vanuatu World Telecommunications & Information Society Day 17 th May 2013 Theme: “ICTs and improving transport safety” The Government of The Republic of Vanuatu
Agenda ICT day Activities Objectives Expectations Questions
What is it? WTISD Day – 17 May annually (with different theme) Want to – annual event for Vanuatu and especially for the industries involved
What is happening? Parade – PM (minister responsible for ICT) and his delegation, Air, Land and Sea transporters, Telco & ICT industries, respective Government authorities, students and individual. Booth exhibitions linking to theme for the day Stage presenters Show case by various industries (refer to program) Questions and answers with surprise prices Cocktail
What do we want to achieve Key Objective is to demonstrate some practical use of ICT to transporters: – How ICT as an enabler and tool to improve transport safety on air, land and sea; – Abuse of ICT/technology (mobile), texting or talking while driving; Awareness on what ICT could bring for society to improve their lives and living To improve efficiencies in transport management as a means of combating the effects of climate change.
What do we expect from Exhibitors? To show case their services and products linking to the theme for the day; To show case to transporters in particularly what ICT could do good and bad for abusers of technology; To show case what they doing for the country and it’s people; To have some questions for their audience with surprise gifts (small gifts) To show case unique services or products and explain the use of it Overall expectation is for each individual to gain/learn something at the end of the day A 5 minute slide show of respective company profile for display on the Lime media Screen.
Where are we now with Planning Venue has been confirmed; Publicity on the TV should be on by now Banner on the street Police are aware for parade Tents are arranged and should be ready for set up More publications to be done Lime media confirm for promoting your respective company if you have your profile; Public portable toilets arranged Road behind ANZ to be sponsored and fixed Securities arranged to watch over night when tents set up
What’s yet to complete Follow up to receive packages indicated by proposed exhibitors; Follow up on few logistics; Print out for brochure for the day; Electricity supply to be confirmed by the selected company
Any Questions? Theme: “ICTs and improving transport safety” The Government of The Republic of Vanuatu