Supporting students An overview of student support services and EUSA Alice Cummings-Advice Place Manager Edinburgh University Students Association
What sort of support might be necessary? A listening ear Advice/Action to sort out a problem: money, somewhere to live, a problem with studying, visa issues, a combination of these! Specific information on a topic – academic or non-academic Help with confidence Help with settling in/finding their feet And lots of other things……and often more than one of these things at a time!
Who can help? You – sometimes! A wide network of other people across the university in various support services: –Accommodation services –Careers –Chaplaincy –Counselling Service –Disability Office –Health Centre –Institute for Academic Development –International Office –Students Association – especially the Advice Place
Accommodation Services Helping people to find accommodation Extensive support system Emergency on-call system Lynne Duff: Assistant Director “Residence Life” Potentially useful for student in crisis, or if needing to arrange emergency accommodation
Careers Service 1 to 1 tailored support and advice From 1 st year to graduates Information centre Vacancy information – graduate, part-time, summer - via SAGE Links with Schools: Employability Employer events Often useful for those students unexpectedly facing a change of course or uni, or who are leaving.
Chaplaincy ‘For all faiths and none’ Chaplain, Associate Chaplain Honorary Chaplains from several faith traditions Pastoral support: personal and/or spiritual Programme of workshops / talks / visits Support in emergencies (e.g student death) Chaplaincy centre: a place of welcome and quieter meeting place for students, and for many societies.
Counselling Service 1 to 1 counselling Workshops on procrastination, relaxation, art etc Groupwork for PhD students and those with depression Bibliotherapy –self help reading scheme Consultation for staff about students Close liaison with other student services Very useful ‘dealing with distressed students leaflet’
Student Disability Service 1-1 advice and support for students Produce individual Learning Profiles with recommendations for reasonable adjustments to be applied by Schools Can help students access financial support to fund particular equipment etc Joint work with Counselling Service on specific provision for students with mental ill health
Health Centre GP practice (1 to 1, plus clinics) Liaison with other services and staff Academic support (e.g certificates of fitness, medical certificates, support for students needing to negotiate suspension of studies, advice for DoSs etc) Useful for advice in an emergency situation with a student
Study Skills Advice Based within new IAD: provides support for effective learning Generic study skills workshops: exams, essays, dissertations, time management Work with academics to devise appropriate subject- specific sessions Excellent student-friendly web resources One to one work on study skills: long waiting list! Specific study skills support for disabled students (must be referred via Disability Service)
International Office Currently the only place able to give advice on Immigration Issues 2 Specialist Advisers offering appointments Operate the “Batch Scheme” for Visa extensions
The Advice Place free informative impartial independent from the University Confidential Money, Accommodation, Academic issues 2 specialist academic advisers Extended opening until 7pm on tuesdays
Other EUSA projects you might like… TANDEM – for language learning and to socialise Peer proofreading Volunteering centre Over 300 student societies to help students meet people and feel at home