P.O.W.E.R. Plan PREPARE ORGANIZE WORK EVALUATE RETHINK 3.1 TM7 PREPARE ORGANIZE WORK EVALUATE RETHINK Identify your values Place order on what motivates you Create a personal mission statement Assess your personal mission statement Reconsider your options ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
Learning Pyramid 3.2 TM 8 Activity type and average amount of retention, transfer, and application Student involvement PASSIVE Kind of task ABSTRACT LECTURE 5% READING 10% AUDIO-VISUAL 20% DEMONSTRATION 30% ACTIVE DISCUSSION GROUP 50% CONCRETE PRACTICE & “REAL WORLD” APPLICATION 75% TEACH OTHERS/IMMEDIATE USE OF LEARNING 90% ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Extrovert-Introvert 3.3 TM 9 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Sensing-Intuitive 3.4 TM 10 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Thinking-Feeling 3.5 TM 11 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Perceiving-Judging 3.6 TM 12 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Extrovert Description 3.7 TM 13 Extrovert (E) Extroverts are energized by interaction with others. They love to talk, participate, organize, party. They are people of action. Extroverts love parties, especially when they can talk with everyone present. Es are pulled into social life and find it difficult to settle down, read, or concentrate on homework. They hate to listen and need to talk to work out their ideas. They will find many college tasks challenging (reading, research, writing) because they are solitary endeavors. ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Introvert Description 3.8 TM 14 Introvert (I) Introverts are energized by the inner world of reflection, thought and contemplation. They need space and time alone. Introverts like reading, lectures, written over oral work. They usually have a longer attention span and prefer to think things through before acting. Is are uncomfortable in discussion groups, may find it difficult to remember names, and hesitate to speak up in class. Introverts will have fun at a party if they can talk with one person all night. ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Sensing Description 3.9 TM 15 Sensing (S) Sensing people rely heavily on their five senses to take in information. They like concrete facts, organization, and structure. They are good at memorization, are usually realistic, and relatively conventional. They are oriented toward the present, the concrete, and the here and now. Sensing people usually like outlines, clear guidelines, and specifics. They often have difficulty with theory. They ask who, what, when, and where. Sensing students read the question several times before answering it to be certain they understand it. ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Intuitive Description 3.10 TM 16 Intuitive (N) Intuitive people see the world through intuition. They learn by hunches, look at the forest rather than individual trees. They want to know the theory before deciding the facts are important. They are creative, innovative, and work with bursts of energy. N’s will write their term paper and then finish the required outline. Intuitives will always ask “why” before anything else. Intuitive students may not read a test question all the way through, sometimes missing a key part, because they act on their hunches. ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Thinking Description 3.11 TM 17 Thinking (T) Thinking people decide on the basis of logic, analysis, and reason. They follow their head rather than their heart, value truth over tact, and sometimes appear blunt and uncaring about the feelings of others. T’s usually have strongly held principles, value fairness over everything, and need purpose. People who may make decisions that negatively effect many individual lives (surgeons and corporation presidents) are often Thinking types. ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Feeling Description 3.12 TM 18 Feeling (F) Feeling persons follow their hearts rather than their head. They decide on the basis of their feelings, personal likes and dislikes. They want others to like them so find it difficult to say no or disagree with others. F’s need and value kindness. Feeling types value harmony and are distressed by interpersonal friction. Feeling types are often found in social work, elementary school teaching, and other helping professions. They feel rewarded when they can help others. ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Perceiving Description 3.13 TM 19 Perceiving (P) Perceiving types are spontaneous and don’t like to be boxed in by deadlines or plans. They want to gather more information before making a decision. They work at many things at once. P’s are flexible and often good in emergencies when plans are disrupted. Their biggest problem is procrastination. They may make a calendar of things to do, but will probably lose it. ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
MBTI Judging Description 3.14 TM 20 Judging (J) Judging types try to order and control their world. They are decisive, may be closed-minded, and are usually well organized. They meet deadlines, like planning, and prefer to work on only one thing at a time. ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
Low performance expectation The Cycle of Failure 3.15 TM 21 Actual failure Low self-esteem Reduced effort High anxiety Low performance expectation Low self-esteem can lead to low performance expectations. In turn, low performance expecta- tions can produce reduced effort and high anxiety, both of which can lead to failure—and ultimately reinforce the low self-esteem that started the cycle. ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
Pyramid of Motivational Needs 3.16 TM 22 Self- actual ization Esteem Love and belongingness Safety needs Biological needs ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003