Telemedicine activities in Bangladesh Current Problems and Future Plan Prof. Mir Misbahuddin
Number of Medical Schools Government (28) Private (58) Yearly admission 9,000 Receive 8 applications per place
Teacher/Student Ratio Pharmacology Entry of medical students/year1,3009,000 Total No. of Pharmacology teachers22120 Pharmacology teachers/College1.5 Student: Teacher ratio60:177:1 Ideal one10:1
Method of teaching
Steps of Implementation Awareness Teachers: Seminars Workshops Students Visit 16 medical colleges Prepare e-Learning Management software (Customizing moodle software) Teaching Materials based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Virtual Classes Synchronous Asynchronous
Our activities
Problems Our doctors have wrong concept about the word “telemedicine”. It means the patient will take advice from a doctor staying away from him through internet Misconception
Problems Our teachers think that they will lose their job if we continue to teach students by internet Worried
Problems Unskilled in using computer: About 80% medical students can use laptop or smart phone whereas 80% teachers cannot Unskilled
Problem Low internet speed
Problems A few in medical schools outside Dhaka (capital city) Broadband internet connection
Problems Available software for video conferencing √
Future Plan Collaborative teaching
Future Plan Home based instead of Medical School based
Future Plan Use of internet in off-peak time
Future Plan Incorporation of online teaching in our curriculum