Gandhi’s Salt Marches (2:10) Clip Question: 1. How do the British respond to the non- violent resistance? 2. What effect do these events have on India’s independence?
Table of Contents – South Asia DateTitleLesson # **South Asia** 3/11Monsoons50 3/12Overpopulation51 3/23Hinduism52 3/25Colonization53 3/27Partition54
Partition division, to split something up The Partition of India means that India is… DIVIDED
Map of Indian Subcontinent
Directions: Click back and forth quickly between this slide and the previous one. Notice where each group is located.
Task Predict what will happen after the British leave India (decolonization).
Partition India divides into 2 separate countries, India and Pakistan After India is decolonized, the Muslims and Hindus want their own separate countries COPY WHAT’S INSIDE THE BOX
Effects of the Partition Directions: Record the headline. Number your notebook like the example on the left. Skip lines between each number.
Effects of the Partition 1.INDIA is created as a Hindu Country, 2.PAKISTAN is created as a Muslim Country 2 parts, East and West Pakistan East Pakistan West Pakistan India ADD TO CHART
3. Violence Hindu and Muslim violence increases after independence Jinnah Muslim Leader with Gandhi – Hindu Leader Wants Partition Wants unity, one diverse India ADD TO CHART
Gandhi Clip – Part 2 (2:39) Sketch the effects that you see after India is Partitioned into 2 separate countries; India and Pakistan? ADD BENEATH YOUR EFFECTS CHART (#5)
Effects of the Partition 4. Migration –Millions of people migrate to the country where their religion is in control –Muslims go to Pakistan, Hindus go to India ADD TO CHART
PAKISTAN’S PROBLEMS Task – Predict the problems that could develop for Pakistan? East Pakistan West Pakistan India = Capital Majority of Muslim population
Problems for Pakistan Check your answers… Distance between East and West Pakistan hurts trade A major enemy, India, is between both parts The government is in West Pakistan, while most Muslims are in East Pakistan Correct your response to the task if necessary East Pakista n West Pakistan India = Capital Majority of Muslims
So what happens… A. People get mad. B. East Pakistan and West Pakistan fight a war. C. East Pakistan gets help from India and wins. D. East Pakistan turns into Bangladesh. E. West Pakistan becomes Pakistan F. Pakistan retaliates against India and starts the Indo-Pakistani War – Violence ever since READ ONLY
Effects of the Partition 5. BANGLADESH is created after their war with Pakistan Bangladesh Pakistan India ADD TO CHART
Quiz Clear everything off your desk. Start on #61. I am only grading 1-9 (61-69) #10 is extra credit. Do the best you can.
Closure 1. Put your test on the desk up front. 2. Answer the Question of the Day. While doing so complete the following… Which effect of the Partition that we looked at today is the worst? Explain why. Rank them in order from worst to best.