Unions and Management ~What major issues are discussed in labor contract negotiations? ~How do unions and management reach a contract agreement? ~What negotiation tactics do unions and management use?
Labor Contract Issues 5 major issues negotiations between labor and management Wages and Fringe Benefits Amount of money that workers are paid Non wage pay (sick days, health and life insurance, and others) Working Conditions Safe-work place
Job Security Union Security Seniority Holding the privileges based on the number of years a worker has been employed by a firm Union Security Worker won’t have to worry job security when joining a union
Grievance Procedures Both group will flow the correct steps when dealing with a dispute between the two
Contract Negotiations ~Collective Bargaining -union and managements reps. Meet to discuss their goals and offer solutions and compromises. ~Mediation -negotiators call in a neutral 3rd party, or mediator, to listen to both sides and suggest ways in which an agreement may be reached
Arbitration Calls for assistance of a negotiator to arrive at a contract Neutral 3rd party
Union Tactics Strike Picketing Boycotts Stoppage of work from labors Informs that a strike is in process Gain public support Discourage non strikers Boycotts (Primary)- organized effort to stop purchases of a firm’s products 2nd – refusal to buy goods and services of the firm
Management Responses Replacement workers Lockouts Injunctions Scabs (owners) Close company till negotiations are solved Injunctions Court order, to prohibit the dispatcher from striking Taft-Hartley Acts