INFOhio Discovery Portal INFOhio is purchasing a product that INFOhio calls the Discovery Portal In SY 10/11 the product will be funded through regular library automation fees This product replaces SchoolRooms as our user interface for one-stop searching and contains: Content that had been collected for use within SchoolRooms : educator-selected, age-appropriate websites which are now searchable Federated search of select INFOhio electronic resources Best of Web educationally-selected web sites Area Media Centers Digital Video Collection
This product replaces SchoolRooms as our user interface for one-stop searching The product does not contain (in SY 10/11) School online catalogs District content INFOhio and the vendor will be evaluating the current capability as well as assessing the ability to include local catalogs and content during this school year Access will be through the OPAC for SY 10/11 on the Cat or Cat Jr. navigation bar
SY 10/11 will be spent evaluating a number of issues: Is this product really useful and desirable to INFOhio students and staff? How might INFOhio wish to perpetuate the rooms content into the future? How ably will the vendor address the issues to integrate school catalogs in the next 6 months? How might a network as large as INFOhio encourage, collect, and maintain local content?
Cat / Cat Jr. is WWW available. When a user is transferred to the Discovery Portal: If the school IP is registered, user is seamlessly transferred It the school IP is not registered (or home use) User is prompted for username/password Statewide username/password is valid “u/p - same as remote ER access “ Username/ password does not stick and could be required each time the student enters the Discovery Portal
Access will be through the OPAC – CAT or CAT Jr. Uses INFOhio statewide authentication – IP or username/password. U/P does not stick! November 16, 2010 NWOCA / INFOhio User’s Meeting 6
Click Discovery Portal button on any CAT/CAT Jr. screen – If a search has not been conducted, you go to the entry page of the Discovery Portal – From results page within the OPAC, the search term is transferred to Discovery Portal This method is not 100% guaranteed Remember OPAC searching methodology is sometimes very “librarian-ish” and not “google-like” – If not IP-registered, prompted for u/p November 16, 2010 NWOCA / INFOhio User’s Meeting 7
Discovery Portal has 7 grade levels or guides derived directly from SchoolRooms Each of them, plus lower-level rooms, contains former SchoolRooms content plus a number of search targets ▪ Digital Video Collection ▪ Best of Web ▪ Electronic Resources “SchoolRooms-like” taxonomy remains on the left for exploration and discovery of narrower, broader, or different topics. November 16, 2010 NWOCA / INFOhio User’s Meeting 8
Be an active part of this year’s evaluation and encourage use and feedback from your patrons!