General title AGA: Current and Future Outlook Relmond Van Daniker, DBA, CPA AGA Executive Director 2012 Sectional Leadership Meetings
Citizen-Centric Reporting Expansion of the CGFM Designation Intergovernmental Activities Membership Research Strategic Priorities for FY2013
We are drowning in data and starving for information.
When I look to the future, it’s so bright, it burns my eyes. - Oprah
The purpose of life is a life of purpose. - Robert Byrne
Intergovernmental History June 24, 2007 Executive session at AGA Professional Development Conference (PDC) Key participants: AGA, OMB leadership Discussion through 4 breakout sessions focused on: –problems, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, vision/clearinghouse, strategic objectives/outcomes/goals, framework/operating model/guiding principles Strengths: AGA as catalyst; state coordination; private/public partnering; cohesive state, local elements Weaknesses: too many regulations; lack of flexibility; increased efficiencies, decreased jobs at states Opportunities: streamline standards across state/local/fed; develop integrated framework; include congressional decision makers; develop program to communicate lessons learned Threats: lack controls; lack communication channels
Partnership Purpose “…to open the lines of communication between governments…. The Partnership is dedicated to identifying and solving some of the most vexing financial management and accountability issues facing governments today.” “…to foster cooperation and communication between governments with the goal of improving program performance and accountability.”
Partnership Goals Enhance ability to serve citizens Improve communication among stakeholders Facilitate the adoption of a solution-oriented agenda developed by consensus Help promote development and dissemination of valid, reliable and useful financial information for decision-makers Develop approaches and best practices to improve performance and accountability using the following objectives: –Strengthen internal controls; –Streamline grants management; –Reduce administrative costs; and –Develop common terminology.
Partnership Goals Clarify roles and responsibilities for programmatic and financial improvement activities; Develop training programs for officials at the federal, state and local levels of government; Agree on a common approach to determining and measuring program outcomes.
Partnership Projects Completed Fraud Prevention Toolkit Cooperative Audit Resolution Guide Recipient of CIGIE’s 2011 Award for Excellence in the Special Act category Federal Cost Allocation/Improving Implementation of OMB Circular A-87 Leveraging the Single Audit/Strategies for Reducing Erroneous Payments In Process Candidate Assessment Tool for Grants Managers
Intergovernmental Activity Intergovernmental Alert Cost Allocation Roundtable DC Intergovernmental Dialogue on ARRA Regional ARRA Dialogues Across the Country Recovery Act Website White Paper on Recovery Act Implementation Journal Article on the Partnership Agreement with the National Grants Management Association
Intergovernmental Future Chapter-based Intergovernmental Partnerships –provide a forum for the interchange of ideas on improving intergovernmental collaboration –In some chapters, all levels of government would be involved. Other chapters may opt for a federal-state or state-local partnership. –The partnerships would help advance government accountability by championing the use of AGA products and toolkits
To Participate in the Partnership: Contact Helena Sims Visit the Web Site Performance/Intergovernmental- Partnership.aspx
General paragraph AGA is the Thought Leader in Advancing Government Accountability and Transparency.