Ting Yien Fang PA10032 Lau Siew King CD Mohd. Wafiey bin Ab. Hamid CD10082 Lecturer: Dr. Zailin Shah Binti Yusoff
B ACKGROUND Financial Literacy: vitally important (Darling, 2011). Bronfenbrenner’s (1997) ecological system theory explained that changes in financial socialization will affect everyone financial behaviors in society (McKenzie, 2009). having the knowledge, skills and confidence to make responsible financial decisions (Jim Yih). the ability of understanding the finance. ability of understanding the skills and knowledge of managing finance which will then aid in making effective decisions.
P ROBLEM S TATEMENT Financial management skills Financial management education Gender
P URPOSE OF R ESEARCH To investigate the financial literacy among University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) students. Factors affecting financial literacy - financial management skills - financial management education - gender
R ESEARCH O BJECTIVE To investigate the financial literacy among University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) students.
R ESEARCH Q UESTIONS 1. Do UMP students understand financial literacy? 2. How do the financial management skills affect the students? 3. Do female students have higher financial literacy level than male students?
S IGNIFICANCE OF STUDY Provide useful information to students, counselors, and lecturers to enhance their financial management knowledge to help the students to increase their understanding on financial management skills
S COPE OF S TUDY Focus on different faculties of UMP students Conducted on Week 9 and Week 10 (9-22 April 2012) Randomly selected respondents 60 respondents are randomly choose Each gender will have 30 respondents respectively
M ETHODOLOGY Questionnaire Data Analysis
L ITERATURE R EVIEW Cude. B. J., Lawrence. F. C., Lyons. A. C., Metzger. K., LeJune. E., Marks. L., … (2006). College students and financial literacy: What they know and what we need to learn. This article provides more understanding on college students overall financial management practices. Leila Falahati, Laily Paim, Maimunah Ismail, Sharifah Azizah Haron and Jariah Masud. (2011). Assessment of university students’ financial management skills and education needs, 5(15). This article study on the financial management skills among Malaysian university students. Leila Falahati & Laily Hj. Paim. Perceived causes of financial problem among Malaysian male students. This article shows how financial socialization, financial knowledge, financial attitude, and financial behaviors will affect the financial problems among male students.
Division of Workload
NoActivities Person in charge Week (Identifying Topic of Research) Siew King 2 E-library search for academic journal articles Wafiey 3 (Discuss articles and write sumarry of the articles) Yien Fang 4 Preparation of Research Proposal Siew King 5 Discussion of Research Design and Instruments Wafiey 6Collection of DataYien Fang 7QuestionnaireSiew King 8Data AnalysisWafiey 9Drafting ReportYien Fang 10Consultation of ReportSiew King 11Revising ReportWafiey 12 Preparation for Oral Presentation Yien Fang 13Submitting ReportSiew King